
dc.contributorI-Chyun Chiangen_US
dc.contributor.authorYi-Ju Chuen_US
dc.description.abstract本論文研究目的主要探討乳癌病友之參與病友支持團體、社會支持及生活品質之關係,以北部某乳癌病友支持團體之病友為對象,採橫斷面問卷調查收得154份有效問卷。結果發現: (1)乳癌病友的生活品質屬中等程度;感受最好的是生理安適感,而心理安適感受最差。社會支持位居中上程度;感受以自尊支持最多,最少是情緒支持;家人在情緒、自尊、實質等支持功能中均高於病友支持團體及醫護人員,而病友支持團體在訊息支持明顯高於醫護人員及家人。參與病友支持團體之狀況:參與時間平均4.98年,互動頻率介於四至七成左右,以及近四成四成的病友網絡數量在1-5位,自覺互動關係及溝通狀況均在普通以上居多。 (2)在個人基本屬性及疾病特性與參與病友支持團體之狀況間的關係方面:最初乳癌確診時間愈久、目前接受治療種類數目愈少、有擔任幹部者,則參與團體的時間愈長。有擔任幹部者,在病友間自行聚會次數就愈多、自覺團體中的互動關係也愈佳,另,亦與目前無職業者,同時在參與團體活動次數,以及使用或接受團體電話服務次數等變項也愈多。 (3)乳癌病友參與病友支持團體程度愈顯頻繁,其得到來自病友支持團體社會支持也愈多。 (4)研究對象的整體社會支持與整體生活品質兩者之間並無相關。 (5)本研究發現醫護人員情緒支持是影響靈性安適感的主要因素。而家人的社會支持,以及家人的自尊支持是影響整體生活品質與心理安適感共同的顯著預測因素。 本研究有助於暸解乳癌病友參與病友支持團體、社會支持,以及生活品質之狀況,提供相關支持系統評估及妥適的支持照護,作為提升乳癌病友社會支持及生活品質之參考依據。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe main purpose of this study is to discuss the relations between breast cancer patients, fellow patient supporting group, and the social support and life quality of the breast cancer patients. The survey was taken from a group of fellow patients that is working with a supporting group in northern Taiwan, with 154 valid effective questionnaires. Result indicated: (1) Breast cancer fellow patient's life quality falls the medium degree; they feel best in the physical comfort, but the psychological peacefulness and comfortable feeling is worst. The patients also feel the social supports are above average. In general, the emotional support mostly comes from the self-respect support, but the emotional support is found lacking. Family members associated with emotional, self-respect and all the actual supports is higher patient support groups and the medical care personnel; the fellow patient support groups have stronger ability in communicating and providing medical information than the family members and medical care personnel. The surveyed result for patients attending the fellow patient support groups as follows: average participation time is 4.98 years, the interactive frequency is between about 40 to 70 %, and about 44% of the fellow patient networks have 1 to 5 patients. The self-motivated interactions and communications between patients and the fellow patient supporting groups are above average. (2) In terms of relationship between individual essential attribute, disease characteristics with participate in the fellow patient supporting groups: the initial breast cancer diagnosis time is long, with the least present treatment types. If the patients work as management level in their job, they tend to participate in the group activities longer, and also the patients are more likely to have more frequent and better voluntary interactions between the patients. If the patients are currently without occupation, they prefer to attend group activities, as well as accept the support groups’ service via telephone. (3) The more frequent the breast cancer patients participate in the fellow patient supporting program, the more social support the patients can get the support group. (4) The surveyed patients’ overall social support and life quality are not related. (5) This research discovered that medical care personnel’s emotional support is the primary factor to affect patient’s comfort level. However, family member's social and self-respect supports have significant impact on the patient’s overall life quality and emotional peacefulness. Though this research, we’ve gained more knowledge in how the breast cancer patients attend the patient support group, how well they receive social support, and the quality of patients’ life. Further, this research provides evaluations in the patient support system and medical care, which is a valuable reference to improve the breast cancer patients’ social support and life quality.en_US
dc.subjectbreast canceren_US
dc.subjectsocial supporten_US
dc.subjectlife qualityen_US
dc.subjectpatient support groupen_US
dc.titleA Study of the Association of Social Support and Quality of Life among Breast Cancer Patients- A Case Study of A Supporting Group in Northern Taiwanen_US

