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鷹架(scaffolding)的概念源自於蘇俄心理學家L.S.Vygotsky的「近側發展區」理論,依據Vygotsky的說法,教學可以超越並引導發展,強調人類高層次的心理活動就是在社會互動的過程中,起初是透過他人的調整,而逐漸內化為自我調整的過程。 本研究之研究目的在於:(1)了解「鷹架教學」方式與策略在《統計學》課程概念教學的規劃與實施情況;(2)分析成人《統計學》課程「鷹架教學」活動概念理解的歷程;(3)探究「鷹架教學」策略在成人教室教學互動應用的影響;(4)最後,根據分析、歸納的結果,提供成人鷹架教學方式與策略在「數理」課程實務應用之參考。 本研究採用質性研究參與觀察,蒐集教室教學活動與課後深度訪談逐字稿,研究工具包括教科書、課程教案、教學日誌、訪談大綱、自編成就測驗等,研究對象以大台北地區選修空大《統計學》課程,有意願參與課後輔導教學之成人學習者為主,研究期間為二○○三年三月至六月,研究結果摘述如后。 1. 《統計學》課程教材的編製、課輔教學活動的設計與鷹架教學策略的實施,屬於「循序漸進」的理解歷程;「學習在精不在多」與「勤能補拙」,都是影響「統計」學習關鍵的因素。 2. 鷹架教學策略的實施屬於動態的過程;「同儕鷹架」策略的應用,有助於誘發學習者主動思考,「教學者鷹架」策略的應用也有助於引導學習者正確的思維路徑,並平衡學習者的壓力。 3. 鼓勵有能力的同儕起示範作用,引發成功的互惠式教學經驗,「同儕語言」可以幫助個人建構概念的意義,或協助受困惑同學重述教科書或老師的解釋,滿足不同學習者的個人需求。 4. 鷹架教學策略的應用係不斷移轉(shift)的過程,鷹架教學方式的「過渡作用(transition)」會影響學習責任遷移;「教學者鷹架」與「同儕鷹架」的交互運用,教學者負有「維持與控制」教室情境的責任,以引領教室互動。 5. 《統計學》概念的理解,係規律性的概念架構,學習者在先備條件、語義組織、思維路徑與概念形成間持續移轉、游走與碰撞,遭遇挫折,必須不斷回到原點(backwards)重新思考、反芻。 綜合而言,鷹架教學方式與策略在《統計學》課輔教學活動的應用是成功的,學習者的反應是正向的,針對《統計學》課程、教學者與學習者方面,研究者亦提出若干建議,提供「統計教學」專業領域的參考;在後續研究的建議上,包括研究方法、研究工具、研究對象、研究範疇等,提供成人鷹架教學進一步研究之參考。
The concept of scaffolding originated from the Russian psychologist L.S. Vygotsky’s Proximal Development Zone theory. According to Vygotsky, teaching can surpass and guide development. He stressed that through societal interactions, human beings’ high-level mental activities develop through initial adjustments from others, then internalize into a self-regulating process. The objectives of this study include: (1) Understand the planning and implementation of the strategies and teaching methods of scaffolding for teaching a class on statistics; (2) analyze the process of concept comprehension of scaffolding activities in a statistics class for adults; (3) study the influence of the strategy of scaffolding in the interactions of adult-class teaching; (4) lastly, based on analyses and summaries, propose ways in which scaffolding strategies and teaching methods could be applied to adult classes in mathematics and physical sciences. This study employs participation observation, gathers classroom teaching activities and scripts of after-class in depth interviews. Study materials include textbooks, teaching plans, journals, summary of interviews, and self-made achievement exams. The subjects are adults who are willing to participate in an after-class guidance class in statistics at the National Open University in Taipei. The period of the study lasts from March to June, 2003. Brief research results include the following: 1. The compilation of the teaching materials, design of the guidance teaching activities, and implementation of the strategy of scaffolding are all processes of “gradual comprehension”; “learning well rather than learning too much” and “diligence compensates clumsiness” are factors that influence the key to learning statistics. 2. The implementation of the teaching strategy of scaffolding is a dynamic process; the application of “peer scaffolding” helps in stimulating active thinking in learners, whereas the application of “teachers’ scaffolding” can assist in guiding learners to critical thinking and balancing out learners’ stress. 3. Encouraging peers who perform well to act as models induces successful reciprocal teaching experience; “peer talk” can help individuals in constructing the meanings of concepts, or assist confused classmates to reiterate the explanations of the teacher or the textbook, fulfilling different learners’ personal needs. 4. The application of the teaching strategy of scaffolding is a continually shifting process; the transition of the teaching method of scaffolding influences learning in switching responsibilities; the interactive effect of “teachers’ scaffolding” and “peer scaffolding” endow the teacher the responsibility of “maintaining and controlling” the classroom setting in order to lead classroom interactions. 5.The understanding of the concepts in the class in statistics is a regular pattern of conceptual framework. Learners continually change position, wander, meet obstacles among prerequisites, semantic systems, thinking paths, and the process of concept formation, and must constantly go backwards to the starting point to rethink and ruminate. In sum, the application of the strategies and teaching methods of scaffolding in the activities of the guidance class in statistics is successful; the feedback from the learners is positive. I have proposed suggestions on the class in statistics, teachers, and learners to provide a reference for professional fields in teaching statistics. I have also provided research methods, tools, subjects, and research areas for further studies on applying scaffolding to teaching adults.



鷹架教學, 成人教學, 成人學習, scaffolding instruction, teaching adult, adult learning





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