A Newly Recorded Spider of the Family Hahniidae (Arachnida, Araneae) from Taiwan
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Shyh-Hwang Chen, Ying Wang, and Sun-Chih Chen
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Office of Research and Development
Office of Research and Development
本文首次紀錄浙江橫疣蛛在台灣之發現。本種與同屬之其他種類區別特徵如下:前牙堤齒2 - 3枚,後牙堤齒5 - 6枚;前中眼黑色,明顯小於前側眼;氣孔開口於胃外溝和中絲疣連線之中點上;雌蛛之外雌器開口於前方,並有一對黑褐色三角片在其兩側,另有一對黑褐色縱長形幾丁質板在胃外溝後緣;雄蛛觸肢之脛節突起巨大且彎曲,末端尖細,膝節突起小、彎曲且末端不分叉。本文並根據台灣標本重新描述及繪圖。
A spider of the species Hahnia zhejiangensis (Song & Zheng 1982) has been recorded in Taiwan for the first time. It differs from all other congeners due to the following combination of characteristics: both genders have anterior median eyes smaller than anterior lateral eyes, chelicerae with 2 - 3 promarginal and 5 - 6 retromarginal teeth, a large spiracular opening located in the middle of the epigastric furrow and at the base of the median spinnerets; females possess a pair of dark brown triangular markings and a large copulatory opening on the epigynum, with two vertical dark brown sclerotized plates behind the epigastric furrow; males display retrolateral tibial apophysis of the palpal organ, which is stout and strongly recurved, while the palpal patellar spur is small, curved and single-pointed. Both genders of this species have been redescribed and illustrated based on specimens obtained from Taiwan.
A spider of the species Hahnia zhejiangensis (Song & Zheng 1982) has been recorded in Taiwan for the first time. It differs from all other congeners due to the following combination of characteristics: both genders have anterior median eyes smaller than anterior lateral eyes, chelicerae with 2 - 3 promarginal and 5 - 6 retromarginal teeth, a large spiracular opening located in the middle of the epigastric furrow and at the base of the median spinnerets; females possess a pair of dark brown triangular markings and a large copulatory opening on the epigynum, with two vertical dark brown sclerotized plates behind the epigastric furrow; males display retrolateral tibial apophysis of the palpal organ, which is stout and strongly recurved, while the palpal patellar spur is small, curved and single-pointed. Both genders of this species have been redescribed and illustrated based on specimens obtained from Taiwan.