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虛擬實境可以透過視覺化將知識以及抽象的概念實體化的資訊技術,透過結合與應用在教育上,可以幫助學生學習困難或者是不易理解的知識層面。 STEM(Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics)教育是近年世界各國蔚為風潮的教育理念,近年逐漸搭配藝術(Art)而成為STEAM,透過藝術當中的創意設計思維產生特別的問題解決模式,也能幫助學生解決現實問題。專題導向式學習(Project-Based Learning, PBL)是一種以真實環境下的問題為主,並以學生為中心的教學模式。目的是提高學習者的知識運用、創造力與自我效能,並讓學生將課堂上的知識加以適用於真實生活中。本研究將PBL教學策略加入威廉斯創意教學技法,刺激學習者發展創意思考模式,產生具有創新性的問題解決方法,並使用虛擬實境系統協助學生的實作,深化課程的理解以及應用。 本研究主要探討PBL教學模式加入威廉斯創意教學技法及利用虛擬實際系統對其STEAM知識、創造力、自我效能以及實作能力之影響。課程內容包含資訊與生活科技,學生透過實作課程,以Arduino組裝成品,並藉由PBL思考設計過程中所遭遇到的問題,進而完成作品。研究對象為國中九年級學生,實驗採用準實驗研究法,自變項為教學模式,實驗組1為(利用虛擬實境輔助PBL套用創意教學技法)、實驗組2為(PBL套用創意教學技法)、對照組則為(PBL教學技法)。 結果發現,實驗組1在生活科技課程的自我效能與創造力的冒險性、好奇心與挑戰性顯著優於另外兩個實驗組;而在STEAM知識以及實作能力則是實驗組1優於實驗組2優於對照組。在行為序列分析上發現,實驗組1的同儕出現較高的互相鼓勵以及發問等行為,顯示實驗組1的學生具有較高的自我效能與創造力。 本研究透過PBL讓學生提高知識學習、自我效能與創造力,以創意教學技法刺激學生思考,讓學生在設計與製作成品的過程中產生不同的思考模式,進而提高其作品的創新性以及獨特性;虛擬實境系統協助學生的實作過程,在產品的創新性、問題解決以及製作上有更好的成果,並幫助學生將實作成品做得更好。
Virtual reality, a revolutionary information technology that stimulates real-life experiences, is widely used in education systems today to close learning gaps and help students to digest complicated concepts. Additionally, STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) education has been widely promoted and adopted around the world; recently, experts have taken this one step further by integrating it with Art to accelerate problem solving outside of box, thus evolving such concept into STEAM. PBL, Project-Based Learning, on the other hand is a student-centric teaching model that reproduces real life scenarios and encourages learning with students. Simultaneously, improve STEAM applications, creativity, self-efficacy, and finally practical execution for students. Based on this concept, this study implements PBL along with Williams teaching model to enable students to develop innovative mindsets and eventually learn to tackle challenges. At the same time, virtual reality strengthens of hands-on learning and profound understanding of learning. This study focuses on the impact of PBL and William teaching model on education of STEAM applications, creativity, self-efficacy, and finally practical execution. To collect data, such experiment targeted ninth graders in information system and living technology courses in which students were split into three groups with the end goal of building projects with Arduino – group one was immersed in PBL and creative teaching skill with virtual reality, group two adopted PBL and creative teaching skill, while group three implemented PBL only and represented the control group. The self-efficacy of life technology and risk-taking, curiosity and complexity are better than the other two experimental groups in group one. About the STEAM knowledge and hands-on ability, the group one is better than the group two than the group three. In the learning behavior analysis, group one showed higher levels of encouragement and questioning, which showed that the students in experimental had higher self-efficacy and creativity in group one. In aggregate, this study aims to enable students to promote of STEAM applications, creativity, and self-efficacy. Developing independent learning through PBL and inspire students to think outside of box in the process of designing so such innovation and uniqueness may be reflected in final built products. Finally, virtual reality assists students in the hands-on process, get better solutions in product innovation, problem solving and production, and helps students to do better in the finished product.



虛擬實境, PBL教學模式, STEAM教學, 創造力, Virtual Reality, Project-Based Learning, STEAM Teaching, Creativity





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