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為了迎接「雙語國家」的挑戰,金融監督管理委員會鼓勵國內金融業者投入訓練成本在人員的英語力養成上。然而,現階段的英語訓練課程只滿足了過往學者在英語學習裡提到的「認知」以及「技能」之學習關鍵要素,「情意」面向則尚待釐清。本研究透過文獻的回顧,發現「情意」當中的焦慮以及動機對於英語學習成效存在重大的影響,故本研究採用問卷調查法,改編自 Gardner(1985)之態度動機量表、Horwitz、Horwitz 與 Cope(1986)之外語教室焦慮量表以及張惠翔(2020)之英語學習成效量表,針對國內正在學習英語的 244 位證券從業人員進行「英語學習焦慮」、「英語學習動機」以及「英語學習成效」的測量,回收之有效問卷共 228 份,透過統計軟體 AMOS 以及SPSS 進行資料分析與處理。本研究結果發現:(1)不同「性別」、「職位」以及「學歷」的證券從業人員在「英語學習焦慮」、「英語學習動機」以及「英語學習成效」上有顯著差異,(2)證券從業人員的「英語學習焦慮」與「英語學習動機」具有顯著負相關,(3)證券從業人員的「英語學習焦慮」對「英語學習成效」具有負向影響,(4)證券從業人員的「英語學習動機」對「英語學習成效」具有正向影響。本研究最後提出教學建議予教學單位和證券公司,希望未來對於證券從業人員進行英語教學時,能夠補足「情意」面向當中的焦慮與動機的缺口,進一步增進其英語學習成效。
To face the challenges of becoming a"bilingual country," the Financial Supervision Commission encourages financial businesses to invest training costs on developing the English ability of staff. However, the English training courses currently could not meet the critical elements of English Learning, and it only fills the "cognition" and "skills" but not " affection." According to the literature review, anxiety and motivation in "affection" have an important impact on the effectiveness of English learning. Therefore, this study adopts the questionnaire survey to measure the securities practitioner's anxiety, motivation, and effectiveness of English learning. The study utilized the AMOS and SPSS statistical software to analyze the collected data. The findings of this study are: (1)securities practitioners with different "gender," "position" and "education backgrounds" have significant differences in "English learning anxiety," "English learning motivation," and "English learning effectiveness"; (2) securities practitioner's "English learning anxiety" have a significant negative correlation with "English learning motivation"; (3)securities practitioner's "English learning anxiety" has a significant negative impact on "English learning effectiveness"; (4)securities practitioner's "English learning motivation" has a significant positive impact on "English learning effectiveness." Based on the research results, the study provides suggestions to teaching units and companies. The researcher hopes this research could fulfill the element of "affection" on securities practitioners English learning.
To face the challenges of becoming a"bilingual country," the Financial Supervision Commission encourages financial businesses to invest training costs on developing the English ability of staff. However, the English training courses currently could not meet the critical elements of English Learning, and it only fills the "cognition" and "skills" but not " affection." According to the literature review, anxiety and motivation in "affection" have an important impact on the effectiveness of English learning. Therefore, this study adopts the questionnaire survey to measure the securities practitioner's anxiety, motivation, and effectiveness of English learning. The study utilized the AMOS and SPSS statistical software to analyze the collected data. The findings of this study are: (1)securities practitioners with different "gender," "position" and "education backgrounds" have significant differences in "English learning anxiety," "English learning motivation," and "English learning effectiveness"; (2) securities practitioner's "English learning anxiety" have a significant negative correlation with "English learning motivation"; (3)securities practitioner's "English learning anxiety" has a significant negative impact on "English learning effectiveness"; (4)securities practitioner's "English learning motivation" has a significant positive impact on "English learning effectiveness." Based on the research results, the study provides suggestions to teaching units and companies. The researcher hopes this research could fulfill the element of "affection" on securities practitioners English learning.
英語學習成效, 英語學習動機, 英語學習焦慮, 證券從業人員, English learning anxiety, English learning effectiveness, English learning motivation, Securities practitioner