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本研究之主要目的為參考健康信念模式及自我效能,來探討國小高年級學童口腔衛生行為現況及其相關因素。研究母群體為一○二學年度第一學期就讀於新竹縣國小高年級之全體學生,採分層集束抽樣法,進行自填式問卷施測,有效樣本共364份,有效回收率80.2%。研究之重要結果如下: 一、研究對象家庭社經背景以低社經地位為主。口腔衛生知識屬中上 程度。 二、研究對象「自覺齲齒罹患性」、「自覺齲齒嚴重性」、「自覺口腔衛生行為利益性」認知及「口腔衛生行動線索」均為中上程度,而「自覺口腔衛生行為障礙性」認知則為中下程度。 三、研究對象對於採取口腔衛生行為有50%-75%的把握度,偏中上程度。 四、研究對象採取口腔衛生行為介於「有時如此」至「經常如此」之間,其中以早上起床為最多,其次是睡前。 五、研究對象在性別方面,女生的「口腔衛生知識」高於男生。 年級方面,五年級生「罹患性認知」高於六年級生。學業成績方面,90-100分的學童在「口腔衛生知識」、「嚴重性認知」、「障礙性認知」、「自我效能」與「口腔衛生行為」優於其他學業成績學童。家庭社經背景方面,高社經背景學童「口腔衛生知識」、「自我效能」與「口腔衛生行為」優於低社經地位者。學校規模方面,大型學校學童在「口腔衛生知識」與「口腔衛生行為」優於中、小型學校學童。 六、複迴歸分析得知,學業成績、學校規模、甜食攝取狀況、與自我效能等變項,共可解釋口腔衛生行為變異量的43.2%,其中又以「口腔衛生自我效能」最具預測力,其次為「學業成績」。 最後,依據研究結果,提出具體建議,以作為日後學童口腔衛生行為促進活動及研擬相關計畫之參考。
The purpose of this research was to apply the Health Belief Model and Self-efficacy to the 5th and 6th grade elementary school students in Hsinchu County to investigate the relevant factors of oral health behaviors. Samples were gathered from the 5th and 6th grade students of the first semester of academic year 2013 in Hsinchu County. The data were collected with a self-administered questionnaire by using random stratified cluster sampling method. Total valid samples were 364 with the effective return rate of 80.2%. The conclusion of this research are as follows: 1. The family’s social/economic status of the survey targets are below the average, but the oral healthy knowledge is above the average. 2. The survey targets cognition of “perceived caries contraction”, “perceived caries severity”, “perceived oral hygiene benefits” and the “oral hygiene action cue” are above the average. The survey targets cognition of “perceived oral hygiene barriers” is below the average. 3. Survey targets have 50% to 75% confidence in adopting oral health behavior and is higher than the average. 4. Survey targets implement the oral health behavior range from “sometimes” to “always”. The most oral health behavior happens in the morning, and then before the bedtime. 5. Among survey targets, in terms of gender of the participants, “oral hygiene knowledge” of female are better than male. For grade level, 5th graders show better cognition of the “perceived caries contraction” than 6th graders. In terms of academic score, the students with 90 to 100 points, their “oral hygiene knowledge”, “perceived caries threats cognition”, “oral hygiene barrier cognition”, “oral hygiene self-efficacy” and “oral hygiene behaviors” are better than other students. In terms of the family’s social/economic status, the superior background participants have the “oral hygiene knowledge” , the ”oral hygiene self-efficacy” and “oral hygiene behavior” better than other students. In terms of school size, students in bigger school have the “oral hygiene knowledge” and “oral hygiene behavior” better than students from smaller schools. 6. With multiple regression analysis, it shows the variants of “school academic performance”, “school size”, “sweets intake amount” and ”self-efficacy” can affect the oral hygiene behavior at 43.2%. The most predictable relevant factor is “oral hygiene behavior self-efficacy” and the second effective factor is “school academic performance”. Finally, based on this research results, we make some practical suggestions for improving student’s oral hygiene activities and for making future relative plans.



健康信念模式, 口腔衛生行為, Health Belief Model, Oral Hygiene Behavior





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