
dc.contributorYen, Miao-Hsuanen_US
dc.contributor.authorChang, Wei-Jenen_US
dc.description.abstractThe underlying mechanism of natural phenomena could be explained through the scientific explanation framework, which mainly includes three components, namely, the entities involved in the phenomenon, the properties of these entities and the resulting activities. The purpose of this study was to explore the influence of self-explanation with the aid of scientific explanation framework on college students’ comprehension of texts about electrostatics. The independent variable of this study was"the aid of scientific explanation framework", with two conditions. Both groups of the students read the same scientific text "Electrostatics in Daily Life" and conducted learning activities through self-explanation tasks. The difference between the two groups was that one group (referred to as the scientific explanation group) read the scientific text with marks for entities, properties and activities, while the other group (referred to as the control group) read the unmarked version. With theassistance of the scientific explanation framework, degrees of students’ mastery of the scientific explanation framework would be affected, thereby affected the performance of the self-explaining task. It would also have an impact on the ability of scientific explanation. Therefore, the dependent variables of this study were"degrees of mastery of scientific explanation framework", "performance on self-explanation tasks", and "scientific explanation ability". In this study, 40 non-science or engineering college students were recruited through the Internet as the research participants. They were evenly assigned to the scientific explanation group and the control group according to their scores on the General Scholastic Ability Test (GSAT). The results of this study showed that, for the post-test explanation performance, significant differences between the scientific explanation group and the control group were only observed in application questions, in which the control group outperformed the scientific explanation group. From the proportion of entities, properties and activities mentioned in the scientific explanation tests, it was found that entities were the easiest component, followed by activities, and properties were the most difficult component. During the self-explaining task, the performance of the scientific explanation group was less than satisfactory, and it was difficult for them to connect the causal relationship within the text content. From the follow-up interviews, we learned that some students in the scientific explanation group were confused about the scientific explanation framework. Students’ confidence reduced when they found their subjective judgments did not match the marks of the scientific explanation components in the text. This results suggested that the scientific explanation framework is difficult to some extent. Students could not fully understand or accept this framework in a short time. Regarding the degrees of mastery of the scientific explanation framework, although nearly half of the students were able to master the three components and the connections among them, about a quarter of the subjects experienced difficulties.This study suggested that the instruction of the scientific explanation framework should be developed through a series of courses. After a long period of learning and adaptation, students would be familiar with the scientific explanation framework. It is expected that students can use the scientific explanation framework independently and spontaneously apply it in their daily life.en_US
dc.subjectScientific explanation frameworken_US
dc.titleExploring the effects of self-explanation with the aid of scientific explanation framework on comprehension of scientific texts - A case of the electrostaticsen_US


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