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國小教師諮詢之行動研究:一位輔導工作者的實踐故事 中文摘要 本研究是一位輔導工作者基於長期對國內小學輔導工作的關懷與熱情,針對自己在教育現場所開展教師諮詢行動加以探究與省思之實踐故事,其所要探究的主要問題為「輔導人員如何開展教師諮詢服務的行動?」以及「這些行動對教師教學與輔導實務工作的影響為何?」作者透過和教師諮詢合作過程中的溝通、省思、分享與對話,提供教師在班級中協助學童問題改善與身心發展時,所需要的專業支持與協助。 本研究之行動探究歷程主要透過對經驗的敘說來理解實務工作現場與隱含的行動知識,並透過對經驗與行動的反思尋找突破困境的行動路徑。作者選擇以故事作為行動研究論文呈現的主軸,以反映出實務現場經驗的真實性、複雜程度與情境脈絡。同時,作者也期待透過實踐故事的分享,能夠引發更多人對小學輔導工作的關懷行動。 作者透過行動探究的過程,所生產的教師諮詢實踐知識為: 1.理解「教師在教學現場的處境與困難」、以及「教師尋求專業資源的需求與心理歷程」是輔導人員和教師發展諮詢合作關係與發揮教師諮詢服務效果的重要基礎。 2.「主體性意義的覺察與展現」是教育工作者行動力量的來源,教育工作者在實務現場中對於專業主體性的覺察,不僅有助於其理解自己所面臨的處境與困難,並是其抗拒與鬆動困境的力量來源。 3.由於親師溝通會發生困難已成為教師教學生涯的常態現象,在「促進教師與家長溝通效能的行動」中,輔導人員要能協助教師理解自己和家長溝通的處境與困難,並協助教師覺察與接納自己和家長溝通時的關懷與情緒,必要時輔導人員可採取直接參與教師和家長溝通的現場,以促進親師彼此能夠充分溝通與合作,進而對學童問題的看法與處理方式達成共識。 4.輔導人員在校園中要開展教師諮詢服務的行動,除了要能理解教師在教學現場的處境與困難外,更要認識到教師對於尋求專業資源的支持與協助,其實是帶著期待與矛盾心情的。輔導人員要能夠主動的關心與邀請,讓教師對其個人與專業產生信任感之後,諮詢合作的關係才有機會開啟,並透過提供持續性討論的時間與機會,讓諮詢合作關係能夠延續,以提昇教師諮詢服務的效能。 5.在諮詢討論與合作過程中,輔導人員要能協助教師理解學童問題行為的心理意義與表現方式,以及掌握有效輔導策略的介入原則與實施過程,並進而促進教師覺察與省思自己的實務經驗、接納實務困境的現實、看見自己的努力與改變。 6.輔導人員透過教師諮詢服務的行動,不僅能夠幫助教師解決實務困擾,還能促進教師對實務經驗的覺察與省思、提升專業能力與自信,並進而提升教師的輔導意識與能力。 最後,作者將自己在教師諮詢行動研究過程中對於實踐場域的理解、行動過程中的省思與對於所採取行動的省思加以描述,並依據教師諮詢實踐經驗與發現,對小學輔導工作現場與輔導專業訓練機構提出期許與建議。 關鍵字:教師諮詢、行動研究、實踐故事、主體性。
The Action Research of Teacher Consultation in the elementary School: A School Counselor’s Practical Story Ray-Chi Lin ABSTRACT The study is a practical story of a counselor, for a long time having worked in the elementary schools, on his very realistic experience of teacher consultation. The main research questions in mind include how a counselor may start his service of teacher consultation, and how his work influences teacher’s teaching work. Giving teacher consultation, the researcher has introduced communication, self-reflection, mutual sharing and dialogue to teachers, and has further provided professional support for the teachers in helping their students solve problems and develop themselves in class. The action inquiry process is telling the experience to illustrate the realistic consulting work and the tacit knowledge, by reflecting on the experience and action the researcher seek the path of inquiry to break through difficulties. Stories are told to reveal the authenticity, complexity, and context of the real counseling work. By sharing the stories, we also hope to call for more concern on the counseling work in elementary schools. The knowledge produced by this action research is: 1. That understanding “teachers’ difficulties on their teaching spots”, “teachers’ needs when seeking professional resources their psychological processes” make up importance basis for counselors and teachers to develop cooperation in the consulting relationship and thus assure the effect of the consulting service. 2. Subjectivity awareness and display is the source of an educator’s strength in acting. Their awareness of subjectivity as professionals on an educational situation will help them perceive the difficulties, resist them and find a way out of them. 3. Since communication problems between parents and teachers have become quite a common phenomenon, the counselors have to help teachers see the situation and difficulties when communicating with parents, be aware of and accept their own concerns and emotions during the process of communicating with parents, and if necessary, the counselors can directly participate in the communication process to facilitate the cooperation and communication, in hope to bridge the gap of viewpoints and help reach the common ground in dealing with the children’s problems. 4. When starting the service of teacher consultation, a counselor not only has to have knowledge of his client’s situation and difficulties, but should recognize his both anticipation and hesitation. With active concern and invitation, a counselor enables the teacher to have confidence in himself and the teaching profession, before their consulting relationship can really start. With constant contacts and discussions following, the consulting relationship is maintained and its effect is enhanced. 5. In the process of discussion and cooperation, a counselor has to assist the teacher understand the psychological significance behind children’s misbehaving performance. He also needs to grasp the principles of effective participation, providing appropriate counseling strategies. Further, he raises the teacher’s awareness and fosters his self-reflection on the real work experience, so that he accepts difficulties in reality, and recognizes his own effort and improvement. 6. By providing the service of teacher consultation, a counselor not only helps his clients solve practical problems in teaching, but facilitates their awareness and reflection, raises their professional competence as well as confidence, and finally their own counseling skills and abilities. In the study the researcher has described his understanding, self-reflection and acts during his work providing school teacher consultation. Expectation and suggestions for elementary school counseling work and teacher training institutions are then provided, based on the researcher’s experience and his discovery. Key words: teacher consultation, action research, practical story, subjective.



教師諮詢, 行動研究, 實踐故事, 主體性, teacher consultation, action research, practical story, subjective





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