
dc.contributorFan, Shih-Pingen_US
dc.contributor.authorHsu, Shih-Jungen_US
dc.description.abstract摘要 中共國家主席習近平甫上任,就對鄧小平所持「韜光養晦」之策略亟思改變而有所作為,中共並以習近平所提「中國夢」作為推動僑務之最高指導原則。 本研究採政治系統理論,從中共僑務工作體系之發展歷程、權責分工,國僑辦及各地方僑辦之組織、人力及預算等脈絡切入,復以習近平之僑務工作理念、人事布局、各涉僑機關執行僑務政策之概況,進而分析中共推動僑務工作的成效、面臨之挑戰及對臺灣的影響。 本研究發現,中共政治系統與西方式政治系統存在著結構性的差異,中共政治體制係以黨領政,「中國夢」為習近平就任後的僑務政策最高指導原則;其次,配合習近平的僑務理念,中共的僑務政策隨之加快轉型,並從「僑力助國」到推展「國力助僑」、從「國內僑務」到發展「國外僑務」,從「形式僑務」走向「務實僑務」,從「傳統僑務」到發展「多元僑務」,以及從「公辦僑務」到發展「合作僑務」;第三,中共「黨」及各涉僑行政部門間存在著職能重疊及利益衝突的結構性問題,各涉僑部門面臨組織重整的壓力;第四,中共僑辦體系的人力及預算規模均相關可觀,且中央及地方亦有龐大的僑屬企業,除能挹注僑務工作發展外,亦對中國大陸的財政有所貢獻;第五,中共「單邊」惠僑措施充分表露其「圍堵」與「吸納」之兩手策略,意在主導海外僑社;第六,對臺工作及反獨促統將是中共未來僑務業務重點。 關鍵字:習近平 僑務政策 中國夢 國僑辦zh_TW
dc.description.abstractAbstract During the Deng Xiaoping era China followed a "low profile" international posture with the intention of not making waves on the international stage. Since taking office Xi Jinping , in contrast to Deng Xiaoping , has held up his "Chinese Dream" ideal giving China a bigger role on the international stage and helping overseas chinese around the world with various benefits and attracting their loyalty and efforts for the benefit of the Chinese Mother Land. The purpose of this study is to detail how the "Chinese Dream" will be organized and implemented. The aim is to comprehend the structure in minute detail so as to ascertain the intent. The study will show Human, financial and political resource allotment together with its athority and priority in order to gage the effect and impact on Taiwan. The study has identified 6 points as findings which are (1) Chineses Dream has a high priority and all policies are subject to it. (2) In accordance with Mr. Xi’s thinking of Overseas Chinese affairs, China’s OSC affair policy has been transformed from the overseas Chinese assisting the motherland to the motherland assisting overseas Chinese. It will assist in developing their businesses abroad. Mr. Xi's view has transformed OSC affairs from being a domestic issue to becoming an international affairs issue. OSC affairs is transitioning from being a purely ideological concept into becoming a more pragmatic implimentation. (3) All levels of OSC affairs divisions now are undergoing a restructuring in order to avoid overlapping and conflicting interests within the OSC affairs departments. (4) As evidenced by the huge allotment of manpower the budget commitment is considerable. (5) The Chinese diaspora is seen as an important element in embracing, spreading and supporting the Motherland's policies. We can expect to see a great effort from the OSCA dept. to win the hearts and minds of the Chinese diaspora. (6) In the aftermath of a series of policies that have greatly enhanced the profile of the OSC Affairs Department it must be closely observed to identify the points where it affects Taiwan's independence and/or unification efforts.en_US
dc.subjectXi Jinpingen_US
dc.subjectOverseas Chinese Affairs Policyen_US
dc.subjectChinese Dreamen_US
dc.subjectOverseas Chinese Affairs Office of the State Councilen_US
dc.titleA Study of Xi Jinping’s Overseas Chinese Affairs Policyen_US

