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因2002年我國多數企業之e-Learning系統建置量大幅提昇, 此時正是研究國內企業導入e-Learning過程之極佳時機。 本研究嘗試從理論與實務的角度,對國內已導入e-Learning之企業其執行現況進行研究,依照不同產業別、規模各異之企業就其導入現況進行比較分析,並探究其建置過程中所進行之需求分析與策略選擇考量要項為何,最後再匯整導入時可能遭遇的困難及解決方式,進而對國內已導入及欲導入e-Learnimg之企業提出相關建議,供國內企業進行e-Learnimg系統建置時之參考,降低其導入成本及風險,提昇e-Learning整體執行效益,促成人員學習發展與企業成長需求能相輔相成。 研究主要採書面文件收集及個案訪談方式進行。研究所選個案主要是根據國內e-Learning廠商提供之導入企業名單中願意協助本研究的13家企業,故不侷限於某特定行業或規模。個案訪談目的是在確認研究個案因其獨特之企業特性及需求所發展之e-Learning系統現況、導入要項、建置歷程,與經驗分享等,與本研究所關切的研究子題之關聯性;並以其作為進一步確立研究架構之真實內涵。個案相關資料蒐集步驟依序為:針對訪談問題初稿進行預訪及修正、寄出邀訪信函及訪談大綱、連絡個案並進行多重個案訪談、資料整理與分析。資料分析的過程分為資料管理、閱讀與記錄、敘述,分類和解釋、以及資料呈現等四個步驟。 最後經文獻回顧與個案訪談資料交互分析後歸納出國內企業導入e-Learning過程中各關鍵因素之內涵及影響,並分別對已導入及欲導入e-Learning之企業提出相關建議事項及可行做法,以供未來研究參考。
Due to a booming growth of buildt-up quantity in 2002, e-Learning system, with a widespread popularity among most local corporations, has been regarded as an appropriate subject and has come to a perfect timing for a penetration study. This study sought for an insight of the implementation status of some local corporations, which have phased in e-Learning system. Moreover, this study incorporated an in-depth analysis of promotion status based on industry variance and corporation scale; furthermore, it indicates demands and strategy at the initial stage of e-Learning system buildt-up. Subsequently, it presented a collection of difficulties and relative solutions in process of implementation, and works out various suggestions to local corporations that have phased in or will phase in e-Learning system. The major purposes of this study, as a reference and assistance for corporations, consisted of cost reduction and risk control, improvements on effectiveness and efficiency, and a balance of corporation development and employee growth. This study was conducted by document collection and face-to-face interview. The objects selected in this study were suggested by e-Learning system provider and those objects consist of 13 corporations, which agreed to play a role in this study, without any limitation of corporation industry and scale. The major purpose of interview was targeted at the verification on connection between corporation characteristic and its e-Learning system. Such connection, including phase-in status, action items, buildt-up process, and experience sharing, substantiated the reality of this study. The procedures of information collection were as follows, 1.Interview rehearsal and correction based on the draft of questionnaire. 2.Send an invitation and interview outline to the interviewee. 3.Contact interviewees and schedule interviews. 4.Information arrangement& analysis. The process of information analysis consisted of four steps. 1.Management. 2.Perusal & taking notes. 3.Description, Categorization, Explanation. 4.Presentation. At last, this study concludes the essence and influence of pivotal factors in the process of e-Learning system build-up by analyzing interview information and recapitulating collected documents. Besides, this study works out suggestions and feasible solutions for those corporations that have phased in or will phase in e-Learning system, and provides a reference for future studies.



e-Learning, e-Learning規劃, 導入, e-Learning, e-Learning planning, implementation





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