

研究旨在暸解新移民婦女之社會人口學變項、產前檢查知識、態度與行為之關係,並檢視產前檢查行為的重要預測因子。研究採問卷進行調查,選取台北縣內八個鄉鎮市衛生所門診及地區醫院婦產科門診之懷孕中或產後六個月內的新移民婦女為研究對象,有效樣本共82位。研究資料經由分析後,重要研究結果如下: 1.有保險情形的新移民婦女者其產前知識高於無保險情形者。 2.有宗教信仰者及家庭型態為折衷家庭的新移民婦女,其產前檢查態度較無宗 教信仰及家庭型態為核心家庭者正向。 3.來自折衷家庭的新移民婦女,其第一次接受產前檢查的時間較來自大家庭者 適當。 4.非菲律賓國籍、教育程度大專以下、有職業、家庭收入足夠的新移民婦女其 產前檢查次數高於菲律賓國籍、教育程度大專、無職業、家庭收入不夠者。 5.健康照護系統量表中的系統因素與產前檢查次數間呈現正相關。 6.新移民婦女的產前檢查知識與產前檢查態度呈正相關。 7.家庭型態是第一次接受產前檢查時間的唯一顯著預測因子,其解釋變異量共 為9.1%。 8.教育程度、先生身體狀況、先生教育程度、家庭收入、健康照護系統5個變 項,對於產前檢查次數具有顯著預測力,其解釋變異量共為43.7%。
The main purposes of this study were to investigate the relationships between the newly immigrant women’s socio-demographic characteristics, knowledge of prenatal care, attitudes toward prenatal care, and prenatal care behavior. Besides, this study attempted to find out the important predictors of their prenatal care behavior. The data was collected by the structured questionnaire. The participants were 82 newly immigrant women who were pregnant or six months after delivery. They were selected from community health centers in Taipei County. The major findings of this study were summarized as follows: 1.Newly immigrant women’s knowledge of prenatal who had insurance care was more than those who had no insurance. 2.Newly immigrant women’s attitudes toward prenatal care who had religious beliefs and came from stem family were better than those who had no religious beliefs and came from nuclear family. 3.Newly immigrant women coming from stem family had a better initiation timing of prenatal care than those coming from big family. 4.Newly immigrant women who were non-Philippines, had under college degree, had a job and enough income got more numbers of prenatal examinations than those who were Philippines, had above college degree, had no jobs and insufficient income. 5.There was positive correlation between the system factor of Health Care System Scale and the frequency of prenatal care . 6.There was positive correlation between the knowledge of prenatal care and the attitudes toward prenatal care. 7.The family type accounting for 9.1% of the variances was the only one significant predictor for prenatal care initiation timing. 8.Newly immigrant women’s education degree, their husbands’ physical status and education degree, income ,and health care system could account for 43.7% of the variances of the frequency of prenatal examinations.



新移民婦女, 產前檢查知識, 產前檢查態度, 產前檢查行為, newly immigrant women, the knowledge of prenatal care, the attitudes toward prenatal care, the prenatal care behavior

