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Mei-Ling Wang, Xi-Ming Xiao, Qing-Hua Zhu
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Graduate institute of library and information studies ,NTNU
Graduate institute of library and information studies ,NTNU
電子期刊是學者重要的學術文獻,因此,學者使用電子期刊行為值得研究。本論文旨在探討臺灣與中國的社會科學學者電子期刊論文的閱讀行為,研究目的包括:(1)研究臺灣與中國社會科學學者電子期刊閱讀行為特徵為何?(2)哪些因素可能影響社會科學學者電子期刊閱讀?(3)臺灣與中國及社會科學各學科的學者是否有差異?本研究採用問卷調查與關鍵事件法,於2012年1月到4月間以立意抽樣針對臺灣的政治大學、中國的武漢大學與南京大學三校的社會科學教師與研究生發送紙本問卷,回收有效問卷668份。研究結果發現:95.8%的中國臺灣與中國的社會科學學者重視電子期刊,53.3%學者閱讀英文電子期刊論文,46.7%學者閱讀中文電子期刊論文,一年平均閱讀307篇電子期刊論文,每篇論文閱讀74.28 分鐘,每年閱讀花費380小時。90.5%的學者會先在螢幕瀏覽以決定是否閱讀;54.8%學者在螢幕閱讀,只有20.2%學者列印紙本閱讀,25%學者採用混合閱讀。83.9%的學者閱讀電子期刊後感到滿意,採用多種閱讀方法,包括37.3%全部閱讀、28%反覆閱讀、25.1%部分閱讀、9.6%對照閱讀。80.9%學者閱讀時作筆記標註,89.1%學者會用電腦管理論文電子檔。本研究證實螢幕閱讀普遍出現,以及臺灣與中國的社會科學學者電子期刊閱讀行為主要有四種類型:螢幕瀏覽、螢幕閱讀、列印閱讀與對照閱讀。臺灣與中國的社會科學學者在論文語言、論文長度、閱讀時間、閱讀篇數、以及閱讀環境均有差異。
This study attempts to investigate the electronic journal reading behaviour of social scientists in Taiwan and Mainland China. The main purposes of the study are as follows: to explore the importance of e-journals amongst social scientists' research; to explore the e-journal reading behaviour of Taiwanese and Chinese social scientists; to unearth factors affecting e-journal article reading thereby allowing comparisons to be made between the e-journal reading behaviour of social scientists in Taiwan and Mainland China. Three surveys were carried out at ChengChi University in Taiwan, and Wuhan University and Nanjing University in Mainland China during 2012. The target population was social science faculty members and graduate students of the three universities. Three questionnaire surveys were conducted during January to April 2012, with a total of 668 valid questionnaire responses collected. Analysis of reading e-journal critical incident articles showed that 46.7% were in Chinese and 53.3% in English. Each social scientist in Taiwan and Mainland China read on average 307 e-journal articles and spent about 380 hours annually reading e-journals; they read e-journals mainly for research purposes and the writing of papers. Information regarding the e-journal reading environments, reading methods, reading strategies and reading consequences of social scientists in Taiwan and Mainland China were collected and analysed. In this study four types of e-journal reading behaviour of social scientists in Taiwan and Mainland China are shown, namely; screen browsing; screen based-reading, print reading, and screen-based collocating reading. E-journal reading behaviour of social scientists in Taiwan and Mainland China are studied and the study also illustrates some difference of e-journal reading behaviour between Taiwanese and Chinese social scientists.
This study attempts to investigate the electronic journal reading behaviour of social scientists in Taiwan and Mainland China. The main purposes of the study are as follows: to explore the importance of e-journals amongst social scientists' research; to explore the e-journal reading behaviour of Taiwanese and Chinese social scientists; to unearth factors affecting e-journal article reading thereby allowing comparisons to be made between the e-journal reading behaviour of social scientists in Taiwan and Mainland China. Three surveys were carried out at ChengChi University in Taiwan, and Wuhan University and Nanjing University in Mainland China during 2012. The target population was social science faculty members and graduate students of the three universities. Three questionnaire surveys were conducted during January to April 2012, with a total of 668 valid questionnaire responses collected. Analysis of reading e-journal critical incident articles showed that 46.7% were in Chinese and 53.3% in English. Each social scientist in Taiwan and Mainland China read on average 307 e-journal articles and spent about 380 hours annually reading e-journals; they read e-journals mainly for research purposes and the writing of papers. Information regarding the e-journal reading environments, reading methods, reading strategies and reading consequences of social scientists in Taiwan and Mainland China were collected and analysed. In this study four types of e-journal reading behaviour of social scientists in Taiwan and Mainland China are shown, namely; screen browsing; screen based-reading, print reading, and screen-based collocating reading. E-journal reading behaviour of social scientists in Taiwan and Mainland China are studied and the study also illustrates some difference of e-journal reading behaviour between Taiwanese and Chinese social scientists.