

摘 要 茶業是龍潭的主要農作,但龍潭的茶產業發展在近年已進入一個發展瓶頸。 龍潭自民國七十八年引入椪風茶並於民國九十三起舉辦椪風節活動。龍潭茶產業因此產生再發展的契機。本究目的在從龍潭鄉茶產葉的變遷過程中,探討茶產業文化跟此地區發展的關聯。 龍潭地區的茶產業歷史發展過程大致有三個階段: 第一階段以紅茶、綠茶 的外銷為主;第二階段以生產包種茶為主,由外銷轉向內銷;第三階段則轉校作椪風茶的生產,其生產結構以小農自產自銷為主。 本研究運用行動者網絡的觀點,以椪風茶為主要行動者,探究椪風茶的引入 後所連結與組成的新社會網絡關係。茶葉生產網絡透過網絡間的互動,產生信賴而造成知識及技術流動,並引起龍潭地區茶葉品質的轉向。同時在此一過程中形成龍潭與其他茶區的跨區域分工的情形,進一步改變傳統社會中農村地理上的網絡權力關係。
Abstract Tea is one of the main agricultural products in Longtan. However its development has been in a bottleneck recently. As a result, the Pong-fong tea (the Formosa Oolong) was introduced to the local as a measure in 1989 and the Pong-fong festival has been held since 2004. it seems that the introduction of the Pong-fong tea revitalizes local development. The purpose of the research is to explore the relation between tea industry and local development in Longtan. There can be three stages of tea industry development in Longtan. The first stage is the exportation of black and green tea; the second is the production of Longtan Pauchung tea and the third stage is the transition to Pongfong tea with the production structure by little farm. With the perspective of the Actor-network theory, actions entailed by the actor: Pong-fong tea, the research tries to find out the new social networks owing to the introduction of the actor. It is found that the actor entails social restructuring and flow of knowledge based on trust on networks. It also made a quality turn in the local tea industry development. In addition, a new geographical division of labor between Longtan and other areas happened as a result, which changed the traditional power and social relations in rural areas.



龍潭椪風茶, 品質轉向, 行動者網絡, 社會資本





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