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目前華語文在全球掀起了一波熱潮,許多國家將華語文列為考試科目或第二外語學習,學習第二外語先以學習聽力與口說的能力,再往其他能力發展。在華語文的學習上使用科技輔助的方式十分廣泛,科技工具對於語言的評量與教學也提供很大的助益。評量在教學中扮演相當重要角色,藉由評量的結果診斷學生學習問題,並進一步針對問題進行補救,以提升學習成效。所以本研究依照課程教材內容的不同,建置出華語文聽說評量與補救教學系統,並依據此系統以65位程度為華測會基礎級的學習者進行教學實驗,實驗組33人,對照組32人。其中實驗組使用本研究建構之評量補救教學系統,而對照組使用評量系統與紙本補救教學。 根據本研究所進行的教學實驗及結果分析,有以下結論:聽力評量之不同補救教學方式達到顯著差異;口說能力評量之不同補救教學方式達到顯著差異,所以得知實驗組之系統補救教學學習成效優於對照組使用紙本補救教學。 綜合而言,華語文聽說評量與補教教學系統可提升學習者的學習成效,且學習者對於系統之滿意度表示良好,希望透過本研究之結果可以提供未來學習華語文之其他相關研究參考。
Nowadays, Chinese learning has formed a new learning trend in the world. Many countries have taken Chinese learning into course and Chinese Second Language (CSL). Listening and speaking are essential skills that must be acquired in early Chinese learning, as it provides the foundation for foreign learner’s developing other skills (such reading or writing). Information technology has been applied in Chinese learning variously. Many studies argued that Information technology bring the teaching and assessment of the CSL a lot of benefits, such as enhancing learning performance. Moreover, Assessments play an important role in teaching. We can diagnose and understand learner’s problems during their learning process and provide students with appropriate remedial learning martial to promote learning effect through the results assessment. Therefore, this study built the Listening and Speaking Assessment and Remedial (LSAR) system to measure learners’ abilities to Chinese listening and speaking and to give learners suitable learning content according to their measuring result. There were 65 foreign learners with TOCFL Beginner/Level 2 from NTNU Chinese learning center in Taipei, Taiwan, participating in this study. They were separated into two groups randomly. All participants need to participate in the pre-test through the LSAR. After that, both of these groups needed to participate in the remedial learning activity according their error of Chinese listening test and speaking test. The experimental group engage in the remedial learning activity by using the LSAR, whereas the control group utilized the paper-based remedial martial to carry out the activity. Finally, all of the participants took a post-test when the remedial learning activity was completed. According to the result of experiment and analysis, there were two interesting findings: (1) There was a significant difference in the Chinese listening test and the Chinese speaking test between the experimental group using CAR and the control group using paper-based remedial martial. The result showed that the experimental group was high in learning performance than control group; (2) Participants considered that the LSAR system is useful to study Chinese listening and speaking.



華語文評量, 適性化補救教學, 聽說能力學習, Chinese language assessment, Adaptive remedial instruction, training the abilities to listening and speaking





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