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本研究旨在探討北部地區高中職動力機械群專業教師車輛耗能認知與態度的現況,並比較在不同背景變項下,其教師之車輛耗能認知與態度差異情形,而更進一步分析北部地區高中職動力機械群專業教師其車輛耗能認知,以及車輛耗能態度之間的相關性。 而本研究是以車輛耗能相關文獻作為問卷設計之依據,並採用自編之「北部地區動力機械群專業教師車輛耗能認知與態度調查問卷」為研究工具,且採分層隨機抽樣的方式,對我國北部地區高中職動力機械群之專業教師做問卷調查,而共得有效樣本161人。 而根據資料統計結果,歸納出結論如下: 一、我國北部地區高中職動力機械群專業教師車輛耗能認知普遍較低。 二、我國北部地區高中職動力機械群專業教師車輛耗能態度表現不夠積極。 三、具有汽車修護乙級技術士證照之教師,其車輛耗能認知高於無技術士證照之教師。。 四、年齡於25歲以下之教師,其車輛耗能態度較高於36至50歲之教師。 五、我國北部地區高中職動力機械群專業教師其車輛耗能認知當中,「政府公開車輛耗能相關資訊」的認知程度越高,其車輛耗能行為態度表現就越積極。 最後依此結論給予政府相關單位,及未來相關研究者提出建議。
The purpose of this research is to investigate the auto energy knowledge and the attitudes toward auto energy of the professional high school teachers who are engaged in the power mechanical engineering cluster in Northern area, to compare those professional teachers’ auto energy knowledge and the attitudes toward auto energy under the various different backgrounds, and also to conduct the further analysis in the relationship between their auto energy knowledge and the attitudes toward auto energy. One of the questionnaires for this research was designed referring to the literature review of the auto energy, and the other one: a survey for the research of the auto energy knowledge and the attitudes toward auto energy of the professional teachers, who are engaged in the power mechanical engineering cluster in Northern area, was designed by me. The survey was carried out by using the stratified random sampling method, and as a result 161 samples were valid in total. According to the result of the statistical analysis, it could be concluded as follows. 1. Those professional teachers in Northern area had relatively narrower knowledge toward auto energy. 2. Those professional teachers in Northern area had less positive attitudes toward auto energy. 3. Teachers who own the class B certification of auto repair have better knowledge about the auto energy than those who don’t have the license. 4. Teachers who are under 25-year-old have better attitude toward the auto energy than those who are 36 to 50-year-old. 5. The more those professional teachers recognized the materials published by the government, the better their behaviors and attitudes about the auto energy were observed. Finally, the conclusions of the study would propose some suggestions to the Taiwan government and the future studies in this field.



車輛耗能認知, 車輛耗能態度, 動力機械群, auto energy knowledge, attitudes toward auto energy, power mechanical engineering cluster





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