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羅伯特.舒曼 (Robert Schumann, 1810-1856)是十九世紀德國浪漫時期代表作曲家與樂評家。在家庭環境的影響下,從小對於文學有著極高的興趣,因此,在日後創作的音樂作品當中,常能看到結合音樂與文學的作品。1837年,舒曼完成作品十二《幻想曲集》(Fantasiestücke, Op.12),共包含八首小品,每一首小品皆於作品完成後,賦予德文標題,分別為《黃昏》(Des Abends)、《飛翔》(Aufschwung)、《為什麼?》(Warum?)、《變化莫測》(Grillen)、《夜晚》(In der Nacht)、《寓言》(Fabel)、《夢的糾纏》(Traumes Wirren)及《歌的最後》(Ende vom Lied),是他創作生涯中邁向成熟的代表作之一。《幻想曲集》不僅結合文學的思想,且帶有舒曼自稱較外向、狂放的「佛洛斯坦」(Florestan)與較內向、含蓄的「歐塞必斯」(Eusebius)之雙重性格。《幻想曲集》將舒曼創作特質及深厚的文學內涵表露無遺,堪稱為浪漫時期極具藝術價值之作。 本論文共分為摘要與五章。第一章,緒論:包括研究動機與目的、研究範圍、研究方法;第二章,舒曼之幻想作品與其雙重性格之探討:包括幻想作品與雙重性格—佛洛斯坦與歐塞必斯之探討;第三章,作品十二《幻想曲集》之音樂分析:包括創作背景與音樂分析(包括於各曲分析中對旋律、節奏、和聲及調性和織度之研探);第四章,作品十二《幻想曲集》之音樂詮釋(包括於各曲詮釋中對雙重性格之探討、旋律與節奏之處理、音色與踏板之運用);第五章,結論。
Robert Schumann (1810-1856) is a nineteenth century German composer and music critic. Under the influence of his family, Schumann was extremely interested in literature; in which affected his music pieces in the coming years, where it is common to see the combination of music and literature in his compositions. In 1837, Schumann finished Fantasiestücke, Op.12, it is a set of eight pieces. Each of these pieces were given a German title, they are Des Abends, Aufschwung, Warum?, Grillen, In der Nacht, Fabel, Traumes Wirren, Ende vom Lied. It is a creation that signifies his maturity in his composing career. Fantasiestücke combined the notions of literature, and also includes at once the duality character claimed by himself of Florestinian impulsiveness and Eusebian inwardness. Fantasiestücke was considered to be a masterpiece in the Romantic Era due to the Schumann’s creativity and solid background in literature. This dissertation is divided into an abstract and five chapters. The first chapter, preface, includes the research incentives, aims, areas and methods of researches. The second chapter, discussion of Schumann’s Fantasiestücke, Op.12 and its dual-personality (Florestan and Eusebius) investigation. The third chapter, the analysis of Fantasiestücke, Op.12, contains the background creation and analysis of the music (including the melodic, rhythmetic, harmonic, tonality and texture ). The forth chapter, the interpretation of Fantasiestücke, Op.12, contains the annotations of the music score sheet (including the dual-personality in the music, the melodic and rhythmetic treatments, tone and pedal utilization analysis). The fifth chapter, the conclusion.



舒曼, 幻想曲集, 黃昏, 飛翔, 為什麼, 變化莫測, 夜晚, 寓言, 夢的糾纏, 歌的最後, 佛洛斯坦, 歐塞必斯, Schumann, Fantasiestücke, Des Abends, Aufshwung, Warum, Grillen, In der Nacht, Fabel, Traumes Wirren, Ende vom Lied, Florestan, Eusebius





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