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摘要 本研究係透過文獻探討、專家訪談等研究方法,探討我國國立臺灣科學教育館業務委託經營管理之成效及其所面臨之問題,並透過質性訪談,提出研究發現及結論建議,能提供國內社教機構與民間機構合作之經驗,並試圖建議可行的經營模式以提供政府部門參考,以提供其他社教機構作為經營管理決策之參考。 本研究以「公辦民營政策理念的落實」、「公辦民營政策目標的達成」、「實施結果的檢討」三項研究指標,針對教育部官員、國立台灣科學教育館館員、大同公司經營決策者進行專家訪談。 質性研究結果有八項發現,研究者針對國立臺灣科學教育館業務委外提出八項結論:(一)國立臺灣科學教育館業務公辦民營落實政府政策;(二)國立臺灣科學教育館擇定業務委託經營管理業務的範圍,以推廣及公共服務業務為主;(三)國立臺灣科學教育館業務委託辦理經評估後採OT模式;(四)國立臺灣科學教育館業務委託經營管理的法源依據尚稱完備;(五)國立臺灣科學教育館業務委託經營決策及執行過程遭遇人員更迭及決策過程搖擺的困擾;(六)國立臺灣科學教育館在開放營運後,業務委託經營管理所要達成提升經營績效目標,在廠商實際執行業務時,仍有部分落差;(七)國立臺灣科學教育館營運確實能減省政府財政及人力等經營成本;(八)國立臺灣科學教育館委託營運後,民眾感受服務品質有效提昇。 本研究針對社教機構設經營管理亦提出八項建議為:(一)授權社教機構,活化組織架構 ;(二)強化社教核心工作,提升研究教育成效;(三)管理監核機制鬆綁,活化營運彈性;(四)強化推廣附加價值,帶動相關產業發展;(五)整合社會資源,提升服務績效;(六)強化溝通工作,教育與產業共生共榮;(七)整合義工與專業人力,提升服務品質;(八)社教機構公辦民營,刺激活化教育事業。 研究者認為政府應檢討現行社教機構業務委外政策之精神,直接運用在社教機構業務之監督管理上,強化社教機構核心工作,提昇服務之品質,授與各社教機構館長,自主決定其經營管理模式,政府主管部門僅需監督其經營績效。 關鍵字:社教機構、公辦民營、成效、國立臺灣科學教育館
Abstract This research employs the approaches of literature review and experts interview, and seeks to explore the business management results and the problems that the National Taiwan Science Education Center (NTSEC) confronts. Also, via the qualitative interviews, we proposed several research findings and conclusive advices to provide experiences for the cooperation of national institutions of Social Education (ISE) and private organizations. Furthermore, we attempt to suggest feasible management models as decision-making references for governments and other institutions of Social Educations. In this work, we hold interviews with the officials of Ministry of Education, the members of NTSEC, and the decision-makers of the Tatung Company, based on three research indexes: “The implementation of the political ideals of private management”, “The achievement of the political objectives”, and “The examination of the implementation results”. Obtaining eight findings from the qualitative research, the researcher summarizes eight conclusions: (1) The private management of NTSEC carries out the government’s policies. (2) The scope of the selections of the private management of NTSEC focuses on the extension to public services. (3) The best model of the private management of NTSEC assessed is the OT model. (4) The law foundation of private management of NTSEC is almost complete. (5) The process of decision-making and implementation suffers the difficulties of personnel change and vacillation of decisions. (6) After the NTSEC opening, there are still gaps between the goals of enhancing management results and the practical implementation of the business in certain aspects. (7) The operation of NTSEC indeed reduces the financial and human management costs of the government. (8) Customers can sense the effective raise of the service quality after the privatization of NTSEC. Our research proposes eight suggestions to the management of the institutions of Social Education: (1) Authorizing the ISE, and energizing the organization framework. (2) Strengthening the core work of Social Education, and improving educational effects. (3) Loosening the mechanism of monitoring and supervising, and activating operation flexibility. (4) Intensifying promotion of additional values, and carrying forward the development of related industries. (5) Integrating social resources, and boosting service effects. (6) Reinforcing communication, and creating mutual prosperity between education and enterprise. (7) Incorporating volunteers and professionals to upgrade service quality. (8) Privatizing the ISE, and stimulating the revival of educational enterprises. The author considers that the government should review the spirit of the privatization of ISE, which must be applied to the supervision of ISE business, strengthening their core job, and enhance their service quality. Most importantly, the government should give authority to the directors of the ISE, allowing he or she to determine the management model at his/her will. The bureaucratic departments only need to monitor the management results. Keywords: institutions of Social Education, private management of public institutions, results, National Taiwan Science Education Center.



社教機構, 公辦民營, 成效, 國立臺灣科學教育館, institutions of Social Education, private management of public institutions, results, National Taiwan Science Education Center

