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This study aims to examine the effect of dialogic reading on receptive vocabulary in three preschoolers with autism spectrum disorder. The participants are between five to six and half years old who attend the same preschool in different classes. A multiple probe design is applied to help the researcher get a closer look to the transformation of receptive vocabulary on each participant as well as to the differences and similarities among three participants. Intervention was delivered 4 times per week across 3 to 4 weeks. The data of receptive vocabulary was collected by a self-developed storybook vocabulary test. The result suggests the dialogic reading intervention increased receptive vocabulary in all participants compared with baseline condition. Both immediate effects and sustained effects of dialogic reading were evaluated through visual analysis as medium effective to very effective.
This study aims to examine the effect of dialogic reading on receptive vocabulary in three preschoolers with autism spectrum disorder. The participants are between five to six and half years old who attend the same preschool in different classes. A multiple probe design is applied to help the researcher get a closer look to the transformation of receptive vocabulary on each participant as well as to the differences and similarities among three participants. Intervention was delivered 4 times per week across 3 to 4 weeks. The data of receptive vocabulary was collected by a self-developed storybook vocabulary test. The result suggests the dialogic reading intervention increased receptive vocabulary in all participants compared with baseline condition. Both immediate effects and sustained effects of dialogic reading were evaluated through visual analysis as medium effective to very effective.
對話式閱讀, 詞彙理解, 自閉症幼兒, 繪本共讀, dialogic reading, receptive vocabulary, autism spectrum disorder, preschooler, shared book reading