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黃自(1904-1938)為第一位有系統、有計畫,傳授理論作曲的華人音樂教育家,致力推動中國音樂文化發展及音樂教育。他自幼飽讀詩書,喜愛音樂,少年時期至美國留學並獲得心理學及理論作曲的學位,歸國後任教於上海音專,並擔任教務主任長達七年之久,教授許多音樂理論專業的課程。當時中國正飽受戰爭威脅,進而激起黃自的愛國情操,創作了許多激勵、感動人心的愛國歌曲。 《長恨歌》為黃自在一九三二年創作的第一部華文世俗清唱劇,當時中國因「九一八」事變之後,局勢混亂,黃自使用韋瀚章以同名長詩《長恨歌》為本而創之歌詞,是一部由男中音獨唱、女高音獨唱、男聲合唱、女聲合唱、混聲合唱、男聲朗讀組成的清唱劇。黃自於一九三八年過世時,只完成了七個樂章:一、二、三、五、六、八、十,四十年後由其得意弟子林聲翕補遺三個樂章:四、七、九完成整部作品,其中第四和九樂章以男聲朗誦的方式呈現。樂曲充滿戲劇張力,以優美的旋律來展現、充滿氛圍烘托的鋼琴、豐富的織度變化、細膩的節奏安排、清晰的力度對比,使之成為百年來華文合唱界深受喜愛的重要作品,適合高中以上及社會人士的合唱團學習練唱及演出。   本論文共分為五章。第一章為「前言」;第二章「背景探究」,分別四節:分別論述作曲家-黃自生平、補遺作曲家-林聲翕生平、作詞者-韋瀚章生平與《長恨歌》創作背景;第三章「創作手法分析」分為十節,依序論述十個樂章之創作手法;第四章為「合唱教學與詮釋」,亦分為十個樂章就各教學、樂曲詮釋進行探討並提供建議;第五章為結論。
Huang Zi (1904-1938) was one of the early important Chinese music educators who were committed to promoting the development of music culture and music education. He was well educated and showed his talent when young. Later, he studied in the USA and got degrees in psychology and theory-composition. After graduation, he returned to China and served as a dean at Shanghai Conservatory of Music for seven years and taught a lot of music composition and theory courses. At that time, China was facing threat of war; he created many patriotic songs due to his worries and love to his country. Cantata "Song of the Everlasting Sorrow” was composed by Huang Zi’s in 1932 which was after the Mukden Incident and whole social environment was chaotic. The text was written by Wei Han Zhang, who was inspired by the famous Tang poem “Song of the Everlasting Sorrow”, and is composed for baritone, soprano, and mixed chorus. Huang Zi did not finish the entire cantata. He died in 1938 and only created seven movements which are first, second, third, fifth, sixth, eighth, and tenth. His disciple, Lin Sheng Xi, composed forty years later the fourth, seventh and ninth to complete the cantata and two movements are written for male recitation. The cantata presents great tension of drama, strong intensity of music, wonderful melodies and delicate compositional techniques. Moreover, this work is quite suitable for chorus of senior high school and community people to learn and perform, either completely or just one single movement. There are five chapters in this thesis, first chapter is introduction; second chapter is background inquiry and there are four parts in this chapter: discuss about the biography of Huang Zi, Lin Sheng Xi, Wei Han Zhang and the compositional background of Song of the Everlasting Sorrow. There are ten parts in third chapter, it discusses the music analysis of ten movements and forth chapter is about rehearsal and performance suggestion. Fifth chapter is the conclusion of this thesis.



黃自, 長恨歌, Huang Zi, Song of the Everlasting Sorrow





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