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本研究旨在瞭解運用Line的營養教育介入對國小家長健康飲食知識、健康飲食教養態度、教養自我效能、教養行為之影響。以準實驗研究方法,選取新北市108學年度兩所國民小學六年級學生家長為研究對象,共計完成246份有效問卷,實驗組106人,對照組140人。實驗組介入時間約7週,透過Line APP每週給予兩則營養教育訊息,共計13則訊息,訊息內容包含蔬果與乳品攝取、拒絕油炸物和含糖飲料等知識,及家長在教養兒童健康飲食的技巧與方法。對照組僅實施前後測問卷測量。利用廣義估計方程式(Generalized estimating equations)進行分析,評價運用Line的營養教育介入之效果。 研究結果發現運用Line的營養教育介入後,可顯著提升家長健康飲食知識(如:蔬果攝取份量、充足飲水量等)、增進健康飲食教養態度(如:教導、準備健康飲食)、提升健康飲食教養自我效能(如:鼓勵、準備、以身作則)、以身作則的健康飲食行為,及水果與乳品的攝取亦顯著提升。 本研究建議學校可運用新媒體增進家長的參與及增能家長營養教養的知能,政府可提供健康飲食與教養資訊,並獎勵學校應用新媒體增進家長參與學校健康促進推動。
The purposes of this study were to develop food parenting LINE message intervention and to evaluate the effect on parents’ healthy dietary knowledge, healthy food parenting attitude, self-efficacy, and behaviors. This study was a quasi-experimental design. In 2019, the participants included 246 parents from two elementary schools in New Tapei City. There were 106 parents in the experimental group and 140 parents in the control group. The experimental group received pre- and post-test and 13 Line messages regarding increasing intake of fruits, vegetables, dairy products, decreasing fried foods and sugary beverages, and enhancing food parenting skills during 2 months. The control group was given only pre- and post-test survey. Generalized Estimating Equations method was used to evaluate the effect of the intervention. The results indicated that the Line message intervention significantly increased parents’ healthy dietary knowledge (i.e., intake of fruits and vegetables), healthy food parenting attitude (i.e., teaching and preparing), food parenting self-efficacy (i.e., eccouraging, teaching and preparing), parental modeling of healthy eating bahaviors, and intake of fruits, vegetables and diary products. It was suggested that schools could use new media to engage parents and enhance food parenting competence, while government could provide healthy eating and food parenting information for schools to adopt new media and to increase parental involvement in school health promotion practices.



家長, Line, 營養教育, 教養, parent, Line, nutrition education, food parenting





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