
dc.contributor.authorTai Wei-Chenen_US
dc.description.abstract隨著時代的進步和資訊的發展,電腦相關的資訊能力普遍受到重視。而透過技能檢定取得證照,不僅代表個人能力的自我肯定,也是尋求工作機會的基礎。因此,本研究旨在探討台灣北部地區高職資處科實施在校生技能檢定對學生專業及實習課程學習行為之影響,經文獻分析及問卷調查的實施,以台灣北部地區九十四學年度公私立十七所高職資處科學生為對象進行調查研究,計回收有效問卷1,076份,依次數分配與百分比、平均數與標準差、t考驗及單因子變異數分析的統計方法,進行統計分析,並綜合研究發現,歸納成結論,並提出建議事項,以供相關單位參考,作為教育主管機關推動高職在校生技能檢定的參考,亦可作為高職資處科修訂課程實施時對專業及實習課程之影響的因應策略,提出改善的方法。就在校生技能檢定對學生專業及實習課程之影響而言,本研究之結論與建議歸納如下: 一、影響學生技能學習的因素包括「學習動機」、「學習態度」、「學習方法」、「學習習慣」、「學習環境」五個層面。 二、技能檢定對學生技能學習在「學習動機」及「學習環境」的正面影響最大。 三、肯定實施在校生技能檢定功能,持續推動實施在校生技能檢定,以落實證照制度。 四、學校應向學生宣導技能檢定對就業及升學的重要性。 五、學校應設立合格之檢定場地及提供充分之檢定設備供學生練習使用。 六、對於通過技能檢定之學生應給予抵免相關實習課程之學分數或加分作為鼓勵。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractOwing to the times progress and development of the computer information, most people paid much attention to the relative abilities of computer technique. It stands for self-affirmation of individual’s ability to get the certification of the skill certification test, and which is essential for a job application. The study focuses on the influence of practicing and responding strategies of the data processing department of vocational high school in the north of Taiwan for the student skill certification test. The research was done through literature reviewing and survey method, and the target objects were the students at the data processing department from 17 different vocational high schools in 2005. The effective questionnaires amounts to 1,076, and they were statistical analyzed by the following methods: the frequency distribution and percentage, means and standard deviation, and t-test and one-way ANOVA. Following all these information, the researcher drew a conclusion and offered the officers in the government educational departments some suggestions for reference. The suggestions could also be used as strategies or improvements for the practice of the revised curriculum in the data processing department in vocational high school. Concerning the effects of the student skill certification test upon the learning behavior curriculum, the research drew conclusions as following: 1、There are five factors manipulated in the questionnaires, including learning motivation, learning attitude, learning custom, learning method, and learning environment. 2、The influence of skill certification test performance on skill learning in data processing department of vocational high school for learning environment and learning motivation have the most positive influence. 3、In view of the positive effects the skill certification test has on the teaching in the data processing department, more students should be encouraged to take skill certification test and, a certification system will be formed. 4、The schools should inform the students that the skill certification test is very important for their careers and further education. 5、The schools should establish standard sites for the skill certification test and offer enough equipment for students to practice. 6、As to those students who pass the skill certification test, the school can encourage them by giving them the credits of the related courses or some extra points.en_US
dc.subjectskill certification testen_US
dc.subjectcomputer software application tasken_US
dc.subjectlearning behavioren_US
dc.titleThe Influence on the Professional and Practice Curriculum Learning Behavior of Students by Practicing Skill Certification Test in Data Processing Department of Vocational High School in the North of Taiwanen_US

