粉絲購買 LINE 貼圖意願之研究-以網路插畫家粉絲 專頁為例
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隨著網路科技的發展,所帶來的新興社群商業模式正迅速改變傳統商業與行銷的運 作方式。網路插畫家們紛紛開始經營 Facebook 粉絲專頁,分享其個人創作作為個人作 品行銷的主要管道,並在通訊軟體 LINE 開始販售其個人之插畫貼圖,為目前設計圈內 最受關注的設計經濟型態之一。
本研究以科技接受模式為基礎,探討facebook粉絲專頁使用者網路插畫家粉絲專頁 的使用意圖,對插畫家所設計之LINE貼圖購買意願之影響。研究對象設定為曾經使用過 粉絲專頁或是購買過LINE貼圖的消費者,以問卷調查法進行資料蒐集,共回收502份有 效問卷,透過立意抽樣挑選樣本。再以敘述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、皮爾遜相關、單因 子變異數分析等統計方式進行分析比對。最後根據所得之結論,提供未來網路插畫家制 定社群行銷策略時的參考建議。茲將本研究重要發現分述如下:
ㄧ、知覺有用性對於使用Facebook粉絲專頁的之態度及使用意圖有正向之影響。 二、知覺易用性對於使用Facebook粉絲專頁之態度及使用意圖有正向之影響。 三、使用Facebook粉絲專頁之態度及使用意圖對於購買意願有正向之影響。 四、不同性別在知覺有用性、知覺易用性、使用意圖上達顯著差異;不同年收入在知覺 易用性上達顯著差異;不同使用頻率在使用意圖上達顯著差異。
With the development of Internet technology, the new community business model has rapidly changed the way how traditional business and marketing work. In succession, illustrators who thrived on the Internet started operating official fan pages on Facebook, in which they share many creative works as their main marketing strategy. In addition, these illustrators also created stickers catering to Line, a freeware app for instant communications. Hence, selling Line stickers has been considered one of the most successful economic patterns in the field of design. On the ground of technology acceptance model, this study explores illustrators’ fan page using intention and fan pages’ impact on the consumers’ intention to purchase those Line stickers. Through web-based questionnaires, a total of 502 valid questionnaires were recovered, to collect the opinion of those who ever went on Facebook fan page or purchased Line stickers. The collected data were analyzed by statistical methods and the analyzed result verifies the hypothesis of this study. The results of this study confirmed: (1) Perceived usefulness has positive effect on illustrators’ attitude and using intention of Facebook fan page. (2) Perceived ease of use has positive effect on illustrators’ attitude and using intention of Facebook fan page. (3) The use of Facebook fan page has significant positive effect on consumers’ purchasing intention. (4) Different genders, different yearly income, and different using frequency all have significant positive effect on perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use and using intention.
With the development of Internet technology, the new community business model has rapidly changed the way how traditional business and marketing work. In succession, illustrators who thrived on the Internet started operating official fan pages on Facebook, in which they share many creative works as their main marketing strategy. In addition, these illustrators also created stickers catering to Line, a freeware app for instant communications. Hence, selling Line stickers has been considered one of the most successful economic patterns in the field of design. On the ground of technology acceptance model, this study explores illustrators’ fan page using intention and fan pages’ impact on the consumers’ intention to purchase those Line stickers. Through web-based questionnaires, a total of 502 valid questionnaires were recovered, to collect the opinion of those who ever went on Facebook fan page or purchased Line stickers. The collected data were analyzed by statistical methods and the analyzed result verifies the hypothesis of this study. The results of this study confirmed: (1) Perceived usefulness has positive effect on illustrators’ attitude and using intention of Facebook fan page. (2) Perceived ease of use has positive effect on illustrators’ attitude and using intention of Facebook fan page. (3) The use of Facebook fan page has significant positive effect on consumers’ purchasing intention. (4) Different genders, different yearly income, and different using frequency all have significant positive effect on perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use and using intention.
科技接受模式, 網路插畫家, Facebook粉絲專頁, LINE貼圖, Technology acceptance model, illustrator, Facebook fan page, Line stickers