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兒童使用網路情形越來越普遍,接觸網路的年齡也有提早的趨勢,使用的時間也越來越長,兒童在數位環境下的閱讀也愈顯重要。網路上的閱讀跳脫紙本,結合了文字、圖像、聲音、動畫以及影像等多媒體(Multimedia),數位閱讀強調自主性的閱讀環境,兒童使用者由於接觸網路較少對於網頁的結構特性都不是很熟悉,可能在網頁瀏覽與閱讀過程中會產生一些迷失、不適當的控制等潛在問題影響閱讀與學習。提供兒童使用的網站不只是花俏可愛,更需要針對兒童的認知理解來設計來增加網站的使用性。 本研究之目的為透過對繪本網站進行使用性研究觀察瞭解兒童族群使用繪本網站的使用反應與理解,進而探討兒童對繪本網站的使用性需求,瞭解怎樣的繪本網站設計能夠讓兒童使用者輕易的瞭解與使用。 研究結果顯示兒童使用者在繪本形式上偏好有聲動畫播放,相較於成年人,在判斷網頁內容之位置、圖示代表意含、何為主要內容等上容易有困難,導致對一般使用者有幫助的資訊與設計對於兒童使用者來說使用性上並不佳。在提供兒童相關讀物之網站應該根據兒童使用者之需求進行設計,本文根據研究結果對相關網站提出針對兒童者之設計建議。
Children’s digital reading has become more important while children's usage of internet has spread extensively. Reading on internet break away from paper, integrates text and multimedia such as image, sound, and video. This reading environment emphasizes reader’s initiative while children are unfamiliar to web pages’ structure. Design a website for children can’t only look more childish and colorful, but also have to refer to children’s cognition and the way children comprehend information. This research observe children’s usage of picture book website through perform usability test on the picture book website with elementary school student and try to figure out how to design a picture book website that friendly and easy to use for children. The research discloses that children prefer to picture book with animation and sound. It’s different from adult that children are hardly to tell webpage’s content position, meaning of images and the main content of site. It leads to frustrations while some designs are useful to common user. By observing how children use picture book webpage and analyzing result of usability test, we make usability suggestions about making interrelated site for children.



使用性, 繪本網站, Usability, Picture book website

