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本研究探討不同來源(高中、綜合高中及高職)入學之科技大學電機系學生,在學習成果、教師教學、學習環境、課程教材及人際關係五個層面學習滿意度之現況及差異情形,並根據研究結果,提出影響我國科技大學電機系學生學習滿意度之相關因素,以供有關單位作為科技大學招收高中畢業生之參考。 為達研究目的,採調查研究法,以自編的「不同來源(高中、綜合高中、高職)入學之科技大學電機系學生學習滿意度調查問卷」為本研究之工具進行調查,並以叢集抽樣方式,針對九十四學年度我國科技大學電機工程系共16所6989位學生為母群,選取各校日間部學生一、二、三、四年級(含四年級以上)各45名學生,總計研究樣本為59班2655人,回收有效問卷共1986份,有效問卷回收率為74.8%。蒐集的資料以平均數、標準差、次數分配、百分比、獨立樣本t考驗、單因子變異數分析及薛費式檢定法(Scheffe method)進行事後比較考驗等統計方法處理,並根據統計分析之結果,提出結論與建議。歸納本研究之分析結果,獲致下列主要結論: 一、整體科技大學電機系學生學習滿意度傾向於「不滿意」。 二、就整體分析,高中、綜合高中及高職來源入學之科技大學電機系學生在構面總和之看法未達顯著差異。 三、在學習成果構面的滿意程度,為高中來源入學顯著大於綜合高中來源入學顯著大於高職來源入學。 四、在教師教學構面的滿意程度,為高職來源入學顯著大於高中、綜合高中來源入學。 五、在學習環境構面的滿意程度,為高職來源入學顯著大於綜合高中來源入學顯著大於高中來源入學。 六、在課程教材構面的滿意程度,為綜合高中、高中來源入學顯著大於高職來源入學。 七、在人際關係構面的滿意程度,為綜合高中來源入學顯著大於高中、高職來源入學。 最後,根據研究結論對教師、學校、教育行政機關及後續研究提出建議,以作為提昇科技大學電機系學生學生學習滿意度之參考。 關鍵詞:招生方式、科技大學、學習滿意度
The main purpose of this study was to understand the current conditions and the differential sections of the satisfaction of learning on five aspects: Learning Results, Teacher Instruction, Learning Environments, Instructional Materials and Personal Relationship by varying and analyzing the variables of “Personal Backgrounds, School Backgrounds, and Family Backgrounds” and the students from different sources; that is, from senior high schools, comprehensive high schools, and vocational high schools, entering the Department of Electrical Engineering of the Universities of Science and Technology. According to the results of this research, they were about to point out the relevant elements to have effects on students’ satisfaction of learning in the Universities of Science and Technology as well as to offer the students coming from senior high schools the entrance references and opportunities of entering the Universities of Science and Technology to some relevant organizations. In order to achieve the goal of this research, the method of clusters sampling was used. According to the statistics of the ninety-four school year, there are 16 Departments of Electrical Engineering in the Universities of Science and Technology in Taiwan. The number of the total students was 6989 applied in the samples of this research. At the same time, there would be 45 students chosen in each grade of every University of Science and Technology. Therefore, the total number of the samples in this research was 2655 target students and the total number of the classes was 59. Consequently, 1986 responses were valid. From these, a usable return rate was 74.8%. In addition, this research method employed in this study was the questionnaire survey. Meanwhile, the instrument used was the Learning Satisfaction Scale. Thus, the collected data was analyzed by descriptive and inferential statistics, including frequency distribution mean and standard deviation, percentage, T-test, One-way ANOVA, Scheffe’s posterior comparisons, Pearson’s product-moment correlation, and multiple stepwise regression analysis. The main conclusions were as follows: 1. As a whole, in Department of Electrical Engineering of the Universities of Science and Technology, the students’ satisfaction of learning tends to “dissatisfaction.” 2. According to the overall analysis, the viewpoints of all aspects made no outstanding difference in degree no matter where the students came from. 3. In the aspect of Learning Results, the degree of satisfaction from the source of senior high schools is obviously larger than that from the source of comprehensive high schools while the degree of satisfaction from the source of comprehensive high schools is larger than that from the source of vocational high schools. 4. In the aspect of Teacher Instruction, the degree of satisfaction from the source of vocational high schools is obviously larger than that from the sources of senior high schools and comprehensive high schools. 5. In the aspect of Learning Environments, the degree of satisfaction from the source of vocational high schools is obviously larger than that from the source of comprehensive high schools while the degree of satisfaction from the source of comprehensive high schools is larger than that from the source of senior high schools. 6. In the aspect of Instructional Materials, the degree of satisfaction from the sources of comprehensive high schools and senior high schools is obviously larger than that from the source of vocational high schools. 7. In the aspect of Personal Relationship, the degree of satisfaction from the source of comprehensive high schools is obviously larger than that from the sources of senior high schools and vocational high schools. Based on the results of statistics and analysis from this research, the conclusions and suggestions were made for educational administration agencies, high schools, teachers and future study so as to offer the references of increasing students’ satisfaction of learning in Department of Electrical Engineering of the Universities of Science and Technology. Key Words: Admission Approach, University of Science and Technology, Satisfaction of Learning



招生方式, 科技大學, 學習滿意度, Admission Approach, University of Science and Technology, Satisfaction of Learning

