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一、 本研究在不同年齡、獨居時間、主要經濟來源、疾病有無與罹病數之獨居老人與身體活動量上達顯著差異。年齡越大、獨居時間越久、接受政府經濟補助與罹患一種慢性疾病以上之獨居老人身體活動量較低。
二、 本研究在不同年齡、獨居時間、主要經濟來源、疾病有無與罹病數之獨居老人與憂鬱傾向上達顯著差異。年齡越大、獨居時間越久、接受政府經濟補助與罹患一種慢性疾病以上之獨居老人憂鬱傾向較高。
三、 獨居老人在不同身體活動量與憂鬱傾向達顯著差異。以高身體活動量之憂鬱平均分數0.94分低於身體活動量足夠之憂鬱平均分數2.08分與身體活動量不足之憂鬱平均分數7分,顯示身體活動量越高,有助於降低憂鬱傾向之程度。
四、 獨居老人憂鬱傾向的預測可以透過社會人口學特質之性別-女性、婚姻狀況-已婚、經濟來源-接受政府補助、罹病數及身體活動量進行預測,預測憂鬱傾向變異量為39.9%,透過此研究可以看出性別-女性、婚姻狀況-已婚、經濟來源-接受政府補助、罹病數對憂鬱傾向呈現正相關,身體活動量對憂鬱傾向呈現負相關。
The study looked at the physical activity and depression symptoms of elderly people living alone in Wanhua District, Taipei City to further analyze the interrelationship among socio-demographic characteristics, physical activity, and depression symptoms. A cross-sectional survey was conducted on elderly people living alone by the Wanhua District Health Center in March 2016, and data were collected through a one-on-one interview and a questionnaire. In all, 206 copies of the questionnaire were distributed and 165 copies were received for a retrieval rate of 80.1%. Results of the study can be summarized as follows: 1.The study found significant differences in the amounts of physical activity of elderly people living alone with respect to their ages, time living alone, major sources of income, health condition, and number of illness. Elderly people living alone who were older, living alone longer, recipients of financial assistance from the government and suffering from one or more chronic conditions showed lower amounts of physical activity. 2.The study found significant differences in the depression symptoms of elderly people living alone with respect to their ages, time living alone, major sources of income, health condition, and number of illness. Elderly people living alone who were older, living alone longer, recipients of financial assistance from the government and suffering from one or more chronic conditions showed greater depression symptoms. 3.There were significant differences in the depression symptoms of elderly people living alone undertaking varying amounts of physical activity. The average depression score for those doing a high amount of physical activity was 0.94, which was lower than the score of 2.08 for those doing just an adequate amount of physical activity and the score of 7 for those doing an insufficient amount of physical activity, demonstrating that the higher the amount of physical activity, the lower was the depression symptoms. 4.Depression tendencies of elderly people living alone could be predicted through socio-demographic characteristics, such as female gender, being married, government subsidies being the sources of income, the number of illness, and the amount of physical activity. The variance in predicting depression tendency was 39.9%, among them, “the amount of physical activity” was the best predictor of depression symptoms. It is suggested fromthe results that related government units should start out with the policy aspect, actively providing opportunities for participation in leisure activities as well as mental health-related education and consultation channels. Moreover, through daily exercise, elderly people living alone can increase their physical activity for health promotion.
The study looked at the physical activity and depression symptoms of elderly people living alone in Wanhua District, Taipei City to further analyze the interrelationship among socio-demographic characteristics, physical activity, and depression symptoms. A cross-sectional survey was conducted on elderly people living alone by the Wanhua District Health Center in March 2016, and data were collected through a one-on-one interview and a questionnaire. In all, 206 copies of the questionnaire were distributed and 165 copies were received for a retrieval rate of 80.1%. Results of the study can be summarized as follows: 1.The study found significant differences in the amounts of physical activity of elderly people living alone with respect to their ages, time living alone, major sources of income, health condition, and number of illness. Elderly people living alone who were older, living alone longer, recipients of financial assistance from the government and suffering from one or more chronic conditions showed lower amounts of physical activity. 2.The study found significant differences in the depression symptoms of elderly people living alone with respect to their ages, time living alone, major sources of income, health condition, and number of illness. Elderly people living alone who were older, living alone longer, recipients of financial assistance from the government and suffering from one or more chronic conditions showed greater depression symptoms. 3.There were significant differences in the depression symptoms of elderly people living alone undertaking varying amounts of physical activity. The average depression score for those doing a high amount of physical activity was 0.94, which was lower than the score of 2.08 for those doing just an adequate amount of physical activity and the score of 7 for those doing an insufficient amount of physical activity, demonstrating that the higher the amount of physical activity, the lower was the depression symptoms. 4.Depression tendencies of elderly people living alone could be predicted through socio-demographic characteristics, such as female gender, being married, government subsidies being the sources of income, the number of illness, and the amount of physical activity. The variance in predicting depression tendency was 39.9%, among them, “the amount of physical activity” was the best predictor of depression symptoms. It is suggested fromthe results that related government units should start out with the policy aspect, actively providing opportunities for participation in leisure activities as well as mental health-related education and consultation channels. Moreover, through daily exercise, elderly people living alone can increase their physical activity for health promotion.
獨居老人, 身體活動量, 憂鬱傾向, elderly people living alone, physical activity, depression symptoms