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面臨全球化的競爭,對於外部環境快速變動的壓力,企業管理採取較為彈性策略取得競爭優勢。而人力資源管理策略,也因為追求彈性,顛覆了以往傳統型終身聘僱方式,人力派遣就此蓬勃發展。 然而,企業為了管理彈性、減低人事固定成本,大量僱用派遣員工,另外,雇主又希望這些低成本、無固定工作的派遣員工能像正式員工一樣有高效率、高效能的工作表現。從社會交換理論的觀點來說,派遣員工與傳統正職員工所接受的工作誘因是不同的,例如,派遣員工在要派公司中所獲得的工作福利、升遷等條件大多是低於正職員工,因此,此類員工與正職員工比較下來會有較弱的「正向交換關係」。 本研究以P公司作為研究對象,並以此公司正式員工及派遣員工作為抽樣對象,問卷發放以P公司的正式員工與派遣員工人數,按照比例去採取隨機抽樣,共計回收157份。使用SPSS中的t-test驗證正式員工與派遣員工在工作動機、工作特性、工作滿足與組織公民行為間之差異。經過統計分析後,獲得研究結果如下:(1) 正式員工與派遣員工在內外工作動機及整體工作動機皆未具有顯著差異,但其中正式員工之平均值皆大於派遣員工;(2) 正式員工與派遣員工在工作特性上皆具有顯著的差異,其中平均值皆大於派遣員工;(3) 正式員工與派遣員工不論在內外工作滿足上皆具有顯著的差異,整體滿足亦是,其中平均值皆大於派遣員工;(4) 正式員工與派遣員工在組織公民行為上,只有盡職行為、公民道德與整體構面具有顯著的差異,但以各個構面來說,正式員工平均值皆大於派遣員工之平均值。
In recent years, companies in Taiwan tend to employ more and more dispatched workers, however they face the dilemma of flexible. How to finding suitable and stable dispatched workers is a challenge for enterprises. The purpose of this research was airmed to investigated the differences between regular workers and dispatched workers on job motivation, job characteristic, job satisfaction, and organizational citizenship behaviors. In the study, the researcher tested our hypotheses on a random sample of 123 regular workers, and 34 dispatched worker from the P company. The major findings of this study are as follows: first, the significant different on job motivation between regular workers and dispatched workers. Second, dispatched workers have a lower job characteristic than regular workers. Third, dispatched workers have a lower job satisfaction than regular workers. Finally, dispatched workers have a lower organizational citizenship behaviors than regular workers.



人力派遣, 派遣員工, 工作動機, 工作特性, 工作滿足, 組織公民行為, temporary employment, dispatched worker, job motivation, job characteristic, job satisfaction, organizational citizenship behaviors

