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本研究旨在探討適合高中數學跨領域實作課程的評量方式,研究目的包括:瞭解高中跨領域數學課程表現評量規準的訂定歷程與實施原則以及使用表現評量規準對學生的學習成效與影響。本研究者採用質性研究方式,透過課堂活動的觀察、學生的課堂實作與作品分享、焦點訪談等蒐集資料,透過紀錄評量規準之研發、修訂及實施過程,藉之分析實施評量規準的執行成效,根據資料分析結果,研究的發現如下幾點:一、教師願意和學生討論評量的規準的意義與做法,並一同修訂規準的項目內  容,學生會更加願意主動地遵守評量規準,促進學習的動機。二、評量規準的實施,使師生更能著眼學科內涵,透過引導學生參與規準訂  定,使得師生共享學習課程。三、學生實作時,會與評量規準進行對話,更加清楚自己的行為表現,也關注   更高級別的尺度,表現的成效也更好。四、學生透過實作作品說明與概念之表達與陳述,發現學習歷程檔案的意義。綜上所述,評量規準的使用,能有效提高學生學習的動機與成效;學生因理解評量意義及即評量與學習的關聯性,成為主動學習者,教師則是扮演引導學習的關鍵角色。
This study is aimed to develop a practical assessment method suitable for mathematics interdisciplinary courses.The research purposes include: (1) to understand the principle in developing as wellas in implementing assessment rubrics for mathematics interdisciplinary courses and (2) to evaluate the effectiveness and influences of application rubrics on stdents learning.This research adopts qualitative research approach, methods applied for data collection include: (1) observation of classroom activities, (2) students’sharing of classroom practice and their worksheets, and (3) focused group interviews. Base on data analysation, the reaserch finding are as follow:I. Teachers are willing to discuss the significance and practice of the rubrics withstudents, and revise the content of the criteria together. Students will be morewilling to actively comply with the rubrics and promote learning motivation.II. The implementation of rubrics enables teachers and students to focus more on the connotation of the subject.By guiding students to participate in the formulation of the rubric, teachers and students share the learning outcomes of the course.III. When students practice, they will have a dialogue with the rubric, be more aware of their own behavioral performance, pay attention to higher-level scales, and perform better.IV. Students discover the significance of learning process files through the description of practical works and the expression and statement of concepts.To sum up, the use of rubrics can effectively improve the motivation and effectiveness of students' learning. As students understand the meaning of assessment and the relationship beetween assessment and learning. The students would become active learners, and teacher need to play a facilitator's role to guide students' learning.



評量規準, 數學跨領域, rubrics, mathematics interdisciplinary





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