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企業運用派遣人力時,可從中篩選出未來僱用之正職員工,以減少招募的壓力,而本研究目的在探討企業將派遣員工轉任正職員工之作法、成效與問題。研究方法採用質性之多重個案研究法來進行研究,以深度訪談法蒐集資料,共訪談八家個案公司的人力資源主管,將訪談內容整理為逐字稿,並進行分析與討論,歸納後之研究結論如下: 一、企業將派遣員工轉任正職員工之目的為:可彈性因應職務的需求、可取得更長的觀察時間、可從中培養人才、可因應成本預算與員額編制、可降低招募壓力、可減輕用人的時效壓力、可激勵派遣員工努力表現。 二、企業將派遣員工轉任正職員工之流程,首先是選擇任用派遣員工的方式,接著考量派遣員工的年資,再舉辦轉任的甄試,最後分發轉任後的工作。 三、企業將派遣員工轉任正職員工之背景因素包括:轉任職務多屬非核心之基層工作、找出具良好潛力與工作績效的員工、用人主管的態度與習慣、法令與公司機密風險的考量而影響派遣人力的運用。 四、企業將派遣員工轉任正職員工對招募成效之影響為:可縮減人事行政與宣傳的成本、不會節省教育訓練的成本、縮短一些職缺填補完成的時間、短期內轉任後之員工績效較其他新進員工佳、轉任後員工離職率較低。 五、企業將派遣員工轉任正職員工之問題與困難分三部分: (一)要派公司的部份 1.使用派遣轉任正職員工為招募管道有職務的限制。 2.若轉任正職後薪資增加幅度不大,則會影響派遣員工轉任的意願。 3.正職員工不易接受以較低錄用條件轉任成正職的派遣員工。 4.需花時間與派遣公司溝通所需要的人才。 5.法令與公司機密風險的考量限制派遣人力的運用。 6.用人主管擔憂從派遣員工中找不到一流人才。 7.派遣公司所收取轉任的費用昂貴。 8.派遣員工轉任正職員工後其工作績效變差。 (二)派遣公司的部份 派遣公司普遍無法提供足夠數量與良好素質的員工給要派公司。 (三)派遣員工的部份 1.一般求職者不會優先以派遣轉任正職的方式來求職。 2.薪資計算不如預期則派遣員工不願意轉任正職。 3.年紀較大的派遣員工盼工作穩定而較願意轉任正職。 4.派遣員工擔心轉任正職後壓力變大而不願意轉任。
ABSTRACT Enterprises use dispatched workers and select regular workers among them to reduce the stress of recruitment. The purpose of this study is to figure out the approaches, recruitment effectiveness and problems of transferring dispatched workers into regular workers in enterprises. The researcher use multiple-case study to collect first hand information by in-depth interviewing supervisors of human resource department in eight companies. The major findings of this study are shown as the follows: 1.Purposes for transferring dispatched workers into regular workers in enterprises: To apply flexible staffing arrangement, to gain more time for observation, to refine on personnel training, to regulate the budget and control the number of staffs, to lower the stress of recruitment, to stimulate employees’ performance. 2.Processes of transferring dispatched workers into regular workers in enterprises: First of all, enterprises develop a model to employ dispatched workers. Besides, the seniority should be taken into consideration as well. Secondly, enterprises hold tests for transferring employees. Finally, assign an appropriate job. 3.Reasons for transferring dispatched workers into regular workers in enterprises: It is protocol for basic positions to be assigned first. It is a way to find talented and well performance works. More importantly, the supervisors’ attitude, habits, laws and risks of companies’ confidential are also the reasons to transfer dispatched workers. 4.For effectiveness of recruitment, the impacts of transferring dispatched workers into regular workers in enterprises: To lower the cost of advertisements that are involved in recruiting, to shorter the time of job transaction, but it won’t reduce the cost of education. In the short run, those who get transferred into regular workers have more efficient performance. Those who get transferred into regular workers have lower ratio of leaving their jobs. 5.Problems and difficulties of transferring dispatched workers into regular workers in enterprises: There are three points as below: (1)For enterprises portion 1There is a job limitation to apply the model of transferring dispatched workers into regular workers. 2The small amount of raise after being transferred doesn’t heighten the willing of dispatched workers to accept being transferred into regular workers. 3Those who transferred from dispatched workers may have problems getting along with regular workers. 4It takes time to communicate with dispatched agencies to find qualified employees. 5The operation of dispatched workers is restricted by the laws and the risk of company’s confidential. 6Companies’ supervisors are worried about they can’t find elites from dispatched workers. 7The dispatched agencies request expensive commission. 8The efficiency of regular workers who transferred from dispatched workers may get worse. (2)For dispatched agency portion The dispatched agencies are usually unable to offer workers in sufficient quantity and in good quality. (3)For dispatched workers portion 1Applicants don’t prioritize dispatched jobs when they are looking for work. 2Dispatched workers don’t want to be transferred into regular workers if the raise is lower than their expectation. 3The older the dispatched workers, the more likely that they would accept being transferred into regular workers. 4Dispatched workers don’t want to be transferred into regular workers when they feel like that the stress is going to become stronger.



人力派遣, 派遣員工, 招募成效, dispatching work, dispatched workers, recruitment effectiveness





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