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本研究目的在探討臺灣高中職學生正確使用制酸劑知識、效能及藥袋素養的現況及相關因素。研究對象為103學年度第一學期全國高中職學生為研究對象,採抽取率與單位大小成比例之等距抽樣法。研究工具採自填結構式網路調查問卷,共調查20所學校,計1947名學生完成問卷填寫。研究結果如下: 一、五成學生過去一年曾有胃痛,三成以上學生曾胃酸過多,約兩成學生有服用制酸劑。三成以上學生因課業壓力、熬夜、吃刺激性的食物、三餐不定時等原因而胃痛。超過三成學生至藥局購買藥品時不會看藥盒或仿單說明。 二、超過三成學生答錯或不知道「吃藥一定要搭配制酸劑(胃藥)才不會傷胃」是錯誤的觀念,也不知道制酸劑與其他藥品一起服用,可能會影響其他藥品療效。 三、學生的正確使用制酸劑效能與藥袋素養呈中高程度。 四、複迴歸分析結果顯示,學生為女性、會看藥盒或仿單使用說明、正確使用制酸劑知識愈高及正確使用制酸劑的效能愈高者,其藥袋素養就愈高。 建議學校積極推動正確用藥教育、增能學生的健康生活型態、加強正確使用制酸劑的宣導,以提升學生正確使用藥物的知能與行為。
The purpose of this study was to explore students’ knowledge, self-efficacy and literacy regarding correct antacids use and to examine the related factors. A probability-proportionate-to-size sampling method was used. Twenty senior/vocational high schools were randomly selected in Taiwan. A total of 1,947 students completed the online self-administered questionnaire in 2014. The main findings were as follows. 1.Half of the students reported that they had stomachache, while 35% experienced gastric hyperacidity during the past year. About 20% of students ever used antacids, while more than 30% of students experienced stomachache due to academic stress, stay up late, spicy food, and irregular meals. More than 30% of students did not read drug labels when purchasing medicines. 2.More than 30% of students did not know that it is not necessary to take medicines with antacids, while antacids can also interfere with other medications. 3.Students tend to have middle-high level of self-efficacy and literacy regarding the correct antacids usage. 4.Multiple regression analysis showed that female students who read drug labels, had higher knowledge and higher self-efficacy of correct antacids usage were more likely to have higher medication literacy. It is suggested that schools implement correct medication use education and promote healthy lifestyle to enhance students' medication literacy and proper medication usage.



制酸劑, 高中職學生, 知識, 自我效能, 素養, antacids, high school students, knowledge, self-efficacy, literacy





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