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Department of Health Promotion and Health Education
Department of Health Promotion and Health Education
本研究主要目的是參考價值澄清法,設計一套關於水資源教育的教材,進行教學介入,比較價值澄清教學與傳統教學法,在水源保護區 國中學生的教學效果 ,希望能提供九年一貫課程教學的參考。以臺北縣水資源保護區某國中一年級學生為研究對象,並選桃園縣水資源保護區某國中一年級學生為校外對照組,進行前、 後測的問卷調查,並進行教學教師訪談和瞭解學生學習心得。結果發現:實驗組價值澄清教學與校內對照組傳統教學,都能顯著提昇學生的水資源保育知識;價值澄 清教學在態度、行為,以及環境敏感度的提升,顯著優於內和校外對照組的傳統教學,且比較能激發學生的思考與創造力,學生印象也較深刻,受到老師和學生喜 歡,但是要花費二倍以上的時間在信念、態度、行為方面的價侓澄清與建立,且在班級經營和教學進度上,較不易控制;校內對照組的傳統教學則可以在較短時間 內,達到知識的灌輸目的。在九年一貫實施之際,健康與體育學習領域的健康時數將增加50%的情形下,深受約95%學生喜愛但較花費時間的價值澄清法是值得 採用,可以和老師較習慣的傳統教學交互應用,達到教學目的,也符合教學多元化的原則;同時也應多利用大眾傳播媒體,進行水資源教育宣傳,使得學生學習效果 更好。
The main purposes of this experimental study were to apply values clarification approach to make the teaching model of water resources conservation for the health & physical education of Nine-Year Joint Curriculum, and to explore the differences of the effectiveness between values clarification approach and traditional approach for the junior high students at the area of water resources conservation. The pretest-posttest experimental & control groups’ design was used in this study. Two classes of the first grade students from Shuangchi junior high school in Taipei county were randomly selected as the experimental (n=34) and control group (n=34). At the same time, one class of the first grade students from Kuyan-in junior high school in Tauyan was selected as the out-of-school control group to detect the possible unexpected effectiveness caused by the interaction between the students of the experimental and the in school control group (n=31). The main results of this study were: 1.Both values clarification and traditional approach of in-school control group could significantly improve the knowledge of water resources conservation for the students. 2.Values clarification approach could significantly promote the attitude, behavior, and environmental sensitivity of water resources conservation of the experimental group. Traditional approach could not significantly promote those for the in-school and out-of-school control group. 3.Values clarification approach could enhance the capabilities of thinking & creativity of the students, impress the students, and be favorite for the teachers and students, but traditional approach could not do. 4.Value clarification approach spent more time, and could not be easier to handle the teaching schedule than traditional approach. 5.Values clarification approach could be practical because of Nine-Year Joint Curriculum in which the teaching time available for health would added 50%. 6.The teachers of experimental & control groups sugges
The main purposes of this experimental study were to apply values clarification approach to make the teaching model of water resources conservation for the health & physical education of Nine-Year Joint Curriculum, and to explore the differences of the effectiveness between values clarification approach and traditional approach for the junior high students at the area of water resources conservation. The pretest-posttest experimental & control groups’ design was used in this study. Two classes of the first grade students from Shuangchi junior high school in Taipei county were randomly selected as the experimental (n=34) and control group (n=34). At the same time, one class of the first grade students from Kuyan-in junior high school in Tauyan was selected as the out-of-school control group to detect the possible unexpected effectiveness caused by the interaction between the students of the experimental and the in school control group (n=31). The main results of this study were: 1.Both values clarification and traditional approach of in-school control group could significantly improve the knowledge of water resources conservation for the students. 2.Values clarification approach could significantly promote the attitude, behavior, and environmental sensitivity of water resources conservation of the experimental group. Traditional approach could not significantly promote those for the in-school and out-of-school control group. 3.Values clarification approach could enhance the capabilities of thinking & creativity of the students, impress the students, and be favorite for the teachers and students, but traditional approach could not do. 4.Value clarification approach spent more time, and could not be easier to handle the teaching schedule than traditional approach. 5.Values clarification approach could be practical because of Nine-Year Joint Curriculum in which the teaching time available for health would added 50%. 6.The teachers of experimental & control groups sugges