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本研究在探討高關懷少年親子關係對其偏差行為之影響: Facebook
社會支持的調節效果。本研究採用問卷調查法採立意抽樣,抽樣對象以大臺北地區(臺北市及新北市)符合本研究對象條件(年滿12歲以上未滿18歲之高關懷少年、親生父親或親生母親至少一人健在且同住、有Facebook帳號)的受試者。研究工具包含「個人基本資料」、「親子關係量表」、「Facebook社會支持量表」及「偏差行為量表」三部分,研究分析採用「IBM SPSS Statistics 」18版統計軟體,使用描述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森相關係數分析及階層迴歸分析等統計方法分析問卷結果。研究結果如下:
This report aims to study the moderating effect of Facebook's social support on parent-child relationship of high-risk youth and juvenile deviance. The study adopts the survey of judgmental sampling to target the high-risk youth from the age of 12 to 18 who are active Facebook users, currently live with at least one of their biological parents, and reside in Taipei or New Taipei City. It also applies research instruments such as personal background information, parent-child relationship scale, Facebook social support scale, and deviant behavior scale. The 18th edition IBM SPSS Statistics software is used to examine the surveys by means of descriptive statistics, t-test, one–way ANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient, and hierarchical regression analysis. The analytical result is summarized as following: I. The status of parent-child relationship、juvenile deviance and Facebook's social support in high-risk youth 1. High-risk youth have comparatively closer relationship with mother. 2.Externalizing behaviors of high-risk youth are smoking, wandering outside in midnight, and ditching school. 3.Internalizing behaviors of high-risk youth are moodiness, depression, and brain goes blank. 4.Facebook generates more positive social supports than negative ones. II.The correlation between high-risk youth's parent-child relationship and juvenile deviance 1.Better father-child relationship may reduce externalizing behaviors of high-risk youth. School enrolled high-risk youth are likely to have less externalizing behaviors. 2.Neither father-child nor mother-child relationship is correlated with internalizing behaviors. III.The moderating effect of Facebook social support on parent-child relationship of high-risk youth and juvenile deviance Both positive informative and sentimental social supports of Facebook have the moderating effect on high-risk youth’s father-child relationship and their internalizing behaviors. In respect of positive informative social support of Facebook, when the high-risk youth with worst father-child relationship, the high positive informative social support of Facebook subgroup gets more internalizing behaviors than lower one. In respect of sentimental social supports of Facebook, when the high-risk youth with worst father-child relationship, the high sentimental social supports of Facebook subgroup gets more internalizing behaviors than lower one.
This report aims to study the moderating effect of Facebook's social support on parent-child relationship of high-risk youth and juvenile deviance. The study adopts the survey of judgmental sampling to target the high-risk youth from the age of 12 to 18 who are active Facebook users, currently live with at least one of their biological parents, and reside in Taipei or New Taipei City. It also applies research instruments such as personal background information, parent-child relationship scale, Facebook social support scale, and deviant behavior scale. The 18th edition IBM SPSS Statistics software is used to examine the surveys by means of descriptive statistics, t-test, one–way ANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient, and hierarchical regression analysis. The analytical result is summarized as following: I. The status of parent-child relationship、juvenile deviance and Facebook's social support in high-risk youth 1. High-risk youth have comparatively closer relationship with mother. 2.Externalizing behaviors of high-risk youth are smoking, wandering outside in midnight, and ditching school. 3.Internalizing behaviors of high-risk youth are moodiness, depression, and brain goes blank. 4.Facebook generates more positive social supports than negative ones. II.The correlation between high-risk youth's parent-child relationship and juvenile deviance 1.Better father-child relationship may reduce externalizing behaviors of high-risk youth. School enrolled high-risk youth are likely to have less externalizing behaviors. 2.Neither father-child nor mother-child relationship is correlated with internalizing behaviors. III.The moderating effect of Facebook social support on parent-child relationship of high-risk youth and juvenile deviance Both positive informative and sentimental social supports of Facebook have the moderating effect on high-risk youth’s father-child relationship and their internalizing behaviors. In respect of positive informative social support of Facebook, when the high-risk youth with worst father-child relationship, the high positive informative social support of Facebook subgroup gets more internalizing behaviors than lower one. In respect of sentimental social supports of Facebook, when the high-risk youth with worst father-child relationship, the high sentimental social supports of Facebook subgroup gets more internalizing behaviors than lower one.
高關懷少年, 親子關係, 偏差行為, 社會支持, High-risk youth, Parent-child relationship, Juvenile deviance, Social support