dc.contributor | 張德文 | zh_TW |
dc.contributor | Jang-Der Wen | en_US |
dc.contributor.author | 盧福壽 | zh_TW |
dc.contributor.author | Lu, Fwu Show | en_US |
dc.date.accessioned | 2020-12-10T02:23:53Z | |
dc.date.available | 2003-07-01 | |
dc.date.available | 2020-12-10T02:23:53Z | |
dc.description.abstract | 海上畫派之成立已為美術史家所共認,其形成背景複雜、風格多樣, 成員眾多,歷來對個別畫家之探討,成就可觀。本文則以宏觀的角度,就 畫派整體成因,結構及風格(花鳥畫)試作析論。全文架構為-首章略述 研究目的、文獻資料及與論旨相關之名詞解釋。第二章由地理環境及政治 ,經濟與社會背景探求海上畫派成立之因素、及贊助者的文化修養與審美 品味。第三章就西化、科舉、民俗版畫等文化背景、尋求和繪畫相關影響 之程度與可能性。第四章則評析畫派的分期、起止時間、畫家生平事略及 結社交遊。第五章、略述花鳥畫史發展,花鳥畫派中較盛之原因,並從內 容、構景、技法試求分類。第六章:比較海上畫派花 類型表現上的差異 性。並歸納其風格特質,分條詳述,兼而評析可能的影響和淵源。末章則 論述畫派的整體評價和影響,並作總結。 海上畫派的形成與壯大緣於 上海開埠後優勢的經濟力,其主體-移民與商人,則促成海上畫家通俗與 多樣性的風格取向。而清末學書與金石考證的風氣興盛,對海上畫家繪畫 風格也造成普遍性的影響。 書畫會由純聯誼,演變為多功能與性質的 組織,乃繪畫商品化的必然結果,而畫家以此為交遊學習之所、易於相互 影響,形成異體之共趣。 就發展而言,以出身民間,純職業書家為主 體之前期花鳥畫風格較重筆墨格法,偏向自然唯美之表現,造形準確、技 法巧熟、能表現花卉與翎毛的融合機趣。而後期以文人為主體,並受金石 書法直接影響的畫家,則注意書法筆趣之表現,個性之抒發極強,題材做 為內容之意義與效果漸弱。但綜觀海上畫派之花鳥畫仍表現出下列的共同 風格特質。 一、由工而寫、兼工帶寫,二、以書入畫、融書為畫,三 、師法前賢、自用我法,四、鮮麗而俗艷的賦色,五、形式化與平面化- 由疏體到密體的演變。 海上畫派之創變,褒貶不一,但就美術史發展 而言,仍在傳統之內,而其影響近代繪畫甚大,並在持續之中。 The establishment of Shang-Hai School has been recognized by art historian. The school has a background of complex formation, a varied style and a large membership.Constantly,its achievement on the exploration for the individual painter is consinderable. This essay try to analyse the school's entire cause of formation, structure and style ( flower and bird painting) with a grand point of view. The structure of this essay is like this : 1) The first chapter is a generalization about the research purpose, documentary material and the defining of the term which is related to the purport. 2) The second chapter explores the element of Shang-Hai School's establishment and the supports' cultivation and appreciation from the geographical environment, political and economic back- ground. 3) The third chapter is from some culture background such as westerni zation, imperial examination and folk print to seek the degree and possibility of the interrelated affect about the painting. 4) The fourth chapter analyses the school's stage and the beginning and end time first, then to discusses all the painters'life and circle of friend. 5) The fifth chapter relates briefly how the history of flower and bird painting developed and why it is more popular than others in Shang-Hai School. Then this chapter tries to classify the painting from the content, composition and technique. 6) The sixth chapter is going to compare the difference of Shang-Hai School's flower and bird painting in the stage and the expression of painters' type, afterward to induce the painting' s character of style with detailed artical and finally to analyse the possible influence and source of the painting. 7) The last chapter states the whole value and influence of the painting and gives the conclusion. The establishment of Shang-Hai School has been recognized by | zh_TW |
dc.description.sponsorship | 美術學系 | zh_TW |
dc.identifier | 81NTNU0233006 | |
dc.identifier.uri | http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%2281NTNU0233006%22.& | |
dc.identifier.uri | http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/113966 | |
dc.language | 中文 | |
dc.subject | 風格 | zh_TW |
dc.subject | 海上畫派 | zh_TW |
dc.subject | 花鳥畫 | zh_TW |
dc.subject | Style | en_US |
dc.subject | Shang-Hai School | en_US |
dc.subject | Flower and Bird Painting | en_US |
dc.title | 海上畫派形成背景及其花鳥畫風格之研究 | zh_TW |
dc.title | The Research of Shang-Hai School's Formed Background and Style | en_US |