

快走運動對肥胖學童體位及心肺適能的影響 研 究 生:蕭玉真 2006年1月 指導教授:方進隆 摘 要 目的:本研究的目的主要是十二週探討快走運動對肥胖學童體位和心肺適能的影響。方法:以平均年齡為10.9±0.81歲之國小四~六年級肥胖學童共50名為受試對象,隨機分成實驗組25名及控制組25名。實驗組除了每週兩節的體育課外,需額外進行每週五天,每次3公里,運動強度介於最大心跳率60%~70%之間,為期十二週的快走運動訓練。控制組除了每週兩節的體育課外,不施予任何的實驗處理。實驗組及控制組於訓練前後均需接受體位測量(身高、體重、BMI、體脂肪百分比、腰臀圍比)及心肺適能(安靜心跳率、血壓值、800公尺跑走)等的檢測。所得資料,以相依樣本、獨立樣本t考驗分別檢定各組前後測及各組間的差異,結果如下: 一、實驗組在身高、腰臀圍比的前後測值有達到顯著差異(p<.05),其餘三項前後測成績,雖沒有顯著差異,但均有進步。 二、實驗組與控制組之間,除了腰臀圍比有達到顯著差異(p<.05)之外,其餘身高、體重、BMI、體脂肪百分比皆沒有達到顯著差異(p>.05)。 三、實驗組在800公尺跑走、安靜心跳率的前後測值及和控制組之間均有達到顯著差異(p<.05),實驗組收縮壓、舒張壓的前後測值及和控制組之間,並沒有達到顯著差異。 結論:十二週快走運動對於肥胖兒童的腰臀圍和心肺適能具顯著改善 的效果。 關鍵詞:快走運動、肥胖學童、體位、心肺適能
The Effects of Brisk Walking program on the Anthropometry and Cardiopulmonary Fitness of Obese Schoolchild January, 2006 Student: Jane Shaw Advisor: Frank Fang Abstract Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of 12-week brisk walking on the anthropometry and cardiopulmonary fitness of obese schoolchild. Methods: Fifty 4th to 6th grade obese students(age 10±0.8 years old) were randomly divided into two groups: Brisk walkers and Control group, each group included 25 subjects. The experimental group trained with brisk walking 5 days a week, 3km/d, with intensity of 60%~70% HR max for 12 weeks; the control group maintained the normal daily life schedule without taking any training courses. All of the subjects had received all the testing variables before and after the training. Testing events contained anthropometry, including height, weight, body mass index (BMI), body fat percentage, and waist to hip ratio (WHR) and cardiopulmonary fitness, including 800m run-walk test, resting heart rate and blood pressure. Data were analyzed by dependent and independent T-test testing within-subjects and between-subjects for differences. Results: 1. The experimental subjects showed significant differences in height, WHR (p<.05), after training the other anthropometry testing events showed no significant difference, although had some improvements. 2. Between experimental and control group, the results showed significant difference (p<.05) in WHR, and others were not significant (p>.05). 3. The experimental subjects showed significant improvement (p<.05) in 800m run-walk and resting heart rate, while blood pressure was not significantly different. Conclusions: The 12-week brisk walking program significantly improve the WHR and cardiopulmonary fitness. Key words:brisk walking, obese schoolchild, anthropometry, cardiopulmonary fitness



快走運動, 肥胖兒童, 體位, 心肺適能, brisk walking, obese schoolchild, anthropometry, cardiopulmonary fitness





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