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新竹市民週休遊憩活動的時空特性分析 【中文摘要】   本文透過休閒與觀光理論、行為地理學理論及時間地理學之時空路徑,探討新竹市民近五十年來週休遊憩活動發展的脈絡,進而分析新竹市民週休遊憩活動的主要景點、活動類型與活動偏好,並掌握其影響因素。 本研究將新竹市民週休遊憩活動的空間及類型,依週休時數的演進脈絡劃分為三個階段。週休一日時期(1966年以前),由於農業社會型態,一般新竹市民生活中尚以傳統農業社會的遊樂意識為主,遊憩活動常配合民間宗教信仰祭祀及廟會活動,真正出遠門遊憩的機會較少,而此時期較為新竹市民偏好的遊憩景點包括各大寺廟、動物園、青草湖及十八尖山等地,活動類型偏好散步、觀賞風景及寺廟參訪等活動。週休一日半時期(1966-2000年),週末休閒時間增加,新竹市民遊憩意願提升,且新竹市民的遊憩型態由日常生活圈擴大至區域性遊憩地區,且會考量住宿問題。此階段遊憩活動類型以觀賞風景、品嘗美食及自然攬勝為主,另有一些新興的活動如洗溫泉、打高爾夫球等。2001年行政院公告公務人員週休二日實施辦法,該辦法施行以來,民眾的法定工時縮短為每週40小時,新竹市民也開始進入週休二日的階段,此時期的遊憩空間已遍及全台各地,以中、北部地區各縣市較密集。市民最偏好的遊憩活動類型仍為觀賞風景、品嘗美食及自然攬勝等。值得注意的是在週休二日實施後,有部份的新竹市民遊憩地點為境外,譬如週末往返港、澳大陸地區等。   造成新竹市民遊憩空間及遊憩活動類型差異持續性改變的主要因素為:一、個人與法定休閒時間的變遷;二、市民休閒活動相關景點之發展;三、社會、經濟條件及交通設施之變遷。 關鍵字:新竹市民、週休遊憩活動、景點、行為地理、時間地理學
The Temporal-Spatial Evolution of Weekend Recreation Activities of Hsinchu Residents ABSTRACT Applying the leisure and tourism theories, behavioral geography and time geography, this thesis explores the evolution of weekend recreation activities of the residents in Hsinchu area during the last 50 years. It examines, in three stages of allowed vacation length, the changed preference of the people as reflected in different time use patterns and different characteristics of the places visited. Before 1966 when there was only one day off per week, most Hsinchu residents, while still in the midst of agricultural society, limited their outdoor recreation to a few popular scenic spots such as the Municipal Zoo, Grassy Lake, Mountain of Eighteen Peeks, and various local temples where people blended leisure with religious activities. During 1966 – 2000 when one and half day off per week was the standard practice and income augmented, recreation impetus increased. The space of leisure activities expanded to outside of Hsinchu and overnight stay was expected for distant scenery and natural exploration. Tasting fine food, golfing, and bathing in hot-spring became popular. Since 2001 when 40 working hours a week was legislated, especially after the government mandated the two days off for civil servants, the sphere of weekend recreation of Hsinchu residents has further extended to the whole island of Taiwan, with concentration to North and Central regions of course. Some people now even go abroad such as Hong Kong and Macau for a weekend. The principle factors that can be attributed to causing the continuous change of leisure practice of Hsinchu residents include: the increase of time and monetary budget, the developments of scenic spots within reach of the people, and social, economic, and transportation advances in Taiwan. Key words: Hsinchu residents, weekend recreation activities, scenic spots, behavioral geography, time geography



新竹市民, 週休遊憩活動, 景點, 行為地理, 時間地理學, Hsinchu residents, weekend recreation activities, scenic spots, behavioral geography, time geography





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