

本研究的主要目的是比較正拍與反拍殺球動作在運動學上的差異。以八位大專男子甲組羽球隊選手為受試對象,利用兩部Redlake高速攝影機(250 Hz)同步拍攝三度空間正拍與反拍的殺球動作,並藉Kwon3D 3.1動作分析系統進行數位化處理,以相依樣本t考驗比較正拍與反拍殺球動作從重心最低點拍頭位移最低點至擊球點過程。結果發現,正拍殺球擊球後羽球飛行的平均速度、平均角度和擊球點距離地面之垂直高度,皆顯著大於反拍殺球;在擊球瞬間,反拍殺球於右肘、左肘、右肩、左肩、左髖關節角度上,以及擊球點與重心之左右水平距離上顯著大於正拍殺球,而正拍殺球於右髖與左踝關節角度上,以及擊球點與重心之前後水平與垂直距離上顯著大於反拍殺球。正拍殺球與反拍殺球,在本研究設定的三個動作期上,其重心左右水平之位移和肩關節在縱軸旋轉之角速度,達顯著差異,在重心最低至球拍最低和重心最低至擊球瞬間,兩個動作期上,其重心垂直之位移和髖關節在縱軸旋轉之角速度,達顯著差異。從本結果中發現,反拍殺球時,重心的左右位移比正拍大,但是肩關節與髖關節在縱軸旋轉之的角速度,卻比正拍殺球慢,因此,本研究建議選手在進行反拍殺球動作時,應減少擊球瞬間的重心左右位移,並增加軀幹的扭轉速度,以提升反拍殺球的攻擊效率。 關鍵詞:生物力學、羽球、正拍、反拍、三度空間
The purpose of this study was to compare the kinematics variables of badminton forehand and backhand smash strokes. Two Redlake high-speed digital cameras (250Hz) were used to record the kinematics data of 8 collegiate badminton players when they were performing the forehand and the backhand grip smashes. A Kwon3D 3.1 motion analyzer was used to digitize the image and analyze the data. A t-test was used to test the selected variables at .05 significant levels. The results showed that the forehand smash was significant greater than the backhand smash in the initial shuttle velocity, the initial shuttle angle and the contact height. During the contact, there were significant difference between forehand and backhand smash strokes on the right elbow angle, left elbow angle, right shoulder angle, left shoulder angle, right hip angle, left hip angle, left ankle angle, and the distance between the contact and the center of gravity(COG). During the three phases of this study, there were significant difference between forehand and backhand smash strokes on the displacement in the frontal axis of the COG, and the angular velocity of the shoulder axis in the horizontal plane. During the lowest of the COG to the lowest position of the racket and the lowest position of the racket to the contact, there were significant difference between forehand and backhand smash strokes on the displacement in the longitudinal axis of the COG, and the angular velocity of the hip axis in the horizontal plane. As the result of this study, the displacement in the frontal axis of the COG is greater than forehand, but the angular velocity of the shoulder axis and the hip axis is less than forehand smash. Key words: biomechanics, badminton, forehand, backhand, 3D



生物力學, 羽球, 正拍, 反拍, 三度空間, biomechanics, badminton, forehand, backhand, 3D





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