

本研究旨在探討現行高中英文教科書之編輯歷程、使用意見、及內容編寫特色,研究素材為目前市面上最常選用之三套高中英文教科書(版本A、B、C),以問卷調查及訪談,調查九十位高中英文教師對於各版本的整體特色、語言成份、語言能力活動設計等方面之看法。此外,並針對研究對象中使用過《國編版》的三十八位教師進行調查,了解其看法,亦針對版本A主編與編輯群進行訪談,瞭解其教科書編輯過程、教科書內容的編排與設計的考量和原因、編輯理念及實際呈現之差異及其兩難。最後,比較使用者意見與編輯者理念之異同及其未來編寫期許。 研究發現分述如下: 第一、版本A教材編輯理念根據課程大綱及溝通式教學法。內容編排配合各項語言學習目標,整體安排強調循序漸進,由淺入深,題材強調趣味性和教育性。語言成份 (如單字、文法、句型等) 設計強調真實語境的呈現及深入淺出的介紹,而語言能力活動 (如聽、說、讀、寫等) 設計著重大量溝通式教學活動之提供,然兩者皆存在兼顧理想與實際的兩難。編寫過程中,透過動態歷程、團隊合作、自我反思,不斷實地考量教師教學使用上的掌握性及變化性,瞭解學生程度和興趣上的差異及需求,以求使用者獲得滿足。 第二、高中英文教師之用後評估顯示現行各版教材內容編寫皆符合課程大綱,亦各具特色,唯學生程度和興趣個別差異大,實際上難以滿足各類學生學習需求。語言成份及語言能力活動之設計亦隨教師之個人教學特色而有不同的詮釋及發揮。補充教材大致符合實際需求,然份量及實用性方面仍待加強。《國編版》教科書於選文及句型練習方面別具特色,值得作為日後編輯參考。 第三、編輯理念與實際使用意見之差距顯示現行教材提供豐富內容,然實際課堂數有限,難以完全發揮其功效;主題多樣,但仍期待納入更多科學性或其他領域之題材;趣味性十足,然學生興趣差異大,期待納入更生活化、現代化之題材;語言活動設計創意十足,然學生程度差異大,期待加入更多實用性練習 (如機械式練習),並加強冊與冊之間的銜接;補充教材豐富活潑,然受限於教學時數及大考制度,期待加強其實用性,以利課堂上有效使用。 根據研究結果,本研究提出三項建議:(1)教師應將編輯者之理念及編輯原則納入選書之參考依據,有助於了解教材特色;(2)編輯者應加強使用者需求分析、使用者溝通管道,及使用後調查分析,有助於解決編輯所遇到之困難;(3)編輯市場已開放,期待未來更多版本加入競爭,以市場機制創造更完善的教材,此有助於教材相關研究之進行。
The present study aims to investigate the compiling process and principles of the senior high school English textbooks in use in Taiwan, to evaluate textbook features from writers’ and teacher users’ viewpoints, and to compare their perceptions about the current textbooks and textbook compilation in the future. Ninety English teacher users participated in the study. Based on the textbook set the teacher users had used in the previous school year, they were further divided into three groups (i.e., Textbook A users, Textbook B users, and Textbook C users). They were asked to fill in a questionnaire concerning their perceptions about the textbooks in use. Thirty-eight of them were asked to answer the questions given on the questionnaire about the National Institute for Compilation and Translation (NICT) version as well. Later, an interview was conducted to nine teacher users and four writers (i.e., one editor and three teacher writers) of Textbook A. The results of the present study are as follows. First, it was found that Textbook A had undergone a dynamic process, where the writers’ self-regulation, self-evaluation, and teamwork actively interacted with each other. Their writing principles, which consisted of systematic organization, arrangement of the grammar points in context, and practical activity design for real classrooms, mainly followed Communicative Language Teaching. Second, the teachers’ perceptions about the textbooks in use showed some common features the three textbook sets in use shared as well as some distinctive features each textbook set owned. It was found that the NICT version was appreciated for its text selection, amount of vocabulary, and spiral organization of grammar points. Third, a discrepancy was found between the teachers’ and writer’s concerns about the textbooks in use. Considering the constraints like limited class periods, individual differences, test-oriented learning settings, and competitive markets, the writers would compromise with the teacher users to a certain extent. Above all, it is suggested that teachers take writing principles and processes into consideration in textbook selection, and that more communication between writers and users is desired. Finally, it is pointed out that the teacher, rather than the textbook, is the key factor determining the success of teaching.



高中英文教科書, 編寫歷程, 編寫原則, 用後評估, senior high school English textbooks, compiling process, compiling principles, post-use evaluation

