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本研究目的在探討幼兒手足關係,欲瞭解不同的幼兒性別、幼兒出生序、家庭社經地位、手足組合,他們的手足關係類型差異。以88位就讀基隆市公立幼兒園的大班幼兒為對象,分為兩個部分進行,第一部分先以基本問卷調查幼兒家庭背景、手足特質、幼兒個人特質。第二部分以「幼兒自評手足關係品質情境圖」,與受試幼兒進行一對一的評量,分辨其手足關係類型其中包含「溫暖」、「對抗/競爭」兩個向度。情境圖的溫暖向度,分為高溫暖與低溫暖,而對抗/競爭向度,亦分為高對抗/競爭與低對抗/競爭兩種。 研究結果顯示: 一、手足組合兄弟、兄妹、姐弟、姐妹的分布平均。 二、手足關係類別以低對抗競爭/高溫暖佔最多數(48.9%)。 三、受試家庭社經地位以中高社經最多、主要照顧者多以母親為主、家庭人數4人小家庭佔最多。他們的手足關係皆以低對抗競爭/高溫暖佔最多比例。 四、卡方檢定結果,本研究受試幼兒的性別、出生序、家庭社經地位、手足組合,均與他們手足關係類型沒有顯著關聯。
The purposes of this study were to explore young children’s sibling relationships and to understand the association among the sibling relationships, and sex, birth order, SES, sibling-dyad status. There were 88 preschoolers participated in this study. They were 5 years old, who were selected from 4 public preschoolers in Keelung City. First, each child’s parents completed the questionnaire of family and young children’s status. In addition, all subjects participated in “Sibling Relationship Task” during clinical interviews. Sibling relationships can divide to warmth and rivalry/competition. Each of them can subdivide into high and low. There are four sibling relationship styles in this study: high rivalry/competition and low warmth, high rivalry/competition and high warmth, low rivalry/competition and low warmth, low rivalry/competition and high warmth. The results showed as follows: 1. The participated child’s sibling-dyad status were: sisters 29.5%, brothers 23.9%, brother and sister 25%, sister and brother 21.6% 2. The low rivalry/competition and high warmth of sibling relationships were the most. (48.9%) 3. Almost the subjects were from middle SES families, nuclear family. Mother is the primary caregiver. The low rivalry/competition and high warmth is their main sibling relationship. 4. There were no strong significant association among the sibling relationships, and sex, birth order, SES, and sibling-dyad status.



手足, 幼兒手足組合, 幼兒手足關係類型, sibling, sibling-dyad status, sibling relationships





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