
dc.contributor.authorCHENG, CHIN-CHUen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究之主要目的在瞭解大學生生育知識、生育態度以及生育行為意圖之現況,並探討不同背景因素分別在生育知識、生育態度以及生育行為意圖上之差異情形。本研究以新北市某大學全體日間部學生為母群體,採分層隨機抽樣法抽出研究樣本,以結構式問卷為研究工具進行資料收集,共獲得有效問卷501份,所得資料以描述性統計、標準差、t考驗、單因子變異數分析、卡方檢定等統計方法進行分析,重要結果歸納如下: 一、研究對象的生育知識中,各知識層面平均答對率由高而低依序為「生育保健知識」、「適齡婚育知識」、「預防人工流產知識」、「人口知識」、「生育生理知識」;其中「人口知識」及「生育生理知識」層面之答對率不及六成。 二、研究對象在生育價值的得分上顯示出生育態度趨向正向,而在生育代價的得分上,亦顯示出生育態度趨向負向。表示研究對象既認同生育價值,也認同生育代價。 三、研究對象在生育代價的得分上高於生育價值,表示對生育代價的認同度高過生育價值的認同度。 四、本研究「生育價值」的九個層面中,研究對象較不認同「社會地位」、「道德價值」及「養兒防老」等三個層面。 五、研究對象的生育行為意圖分佈情形,有九成將來打算結婚,不結婚者約佔一成。研究對象結婚後不生的比率約佔一成四,有五成的研究對象結婚後想生「2個」孩子。有七成以上的研究對象認為在沒有外在的環境考量之下,生育2個孩子最為理想。研究對象七成以上對生育男孩或女孩沒有性別偏好,九成以上不會堅持要生到男孩或女孩。 六、研究對象的生育知識會因個人背景因素中的性別、年齡、出生序、異性交往經驗、性經驗之不同而有顯著差異。 七、研究對象的生育態度中生育價值的部分會因背景因素中的性別、手足人數、家庭社經地位、性經驗之不同而有顯著差異;生育代價的部分會因背景因素中的異性交往經驗、性經驗之不同而有顯著差異。 八、研究對象的生育行為意圖會因個人背景因素中的性別、年齡、出生序、宗教信仰、異性交往經驗、性經驗之不同而有顯著差異。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this study was to realize the current status on the knowledge of, attitudes toward and intention for fertility among the university students, and further to investigate the differences based on the factors of different background respectively to the knowledge of, attitudes toward and Intention for fertility. The subjects were the students of a university in New Taipei City; the study adopted random sampling by using structured questionnaires to collect data in proceeding. There were 501 valid questionnaires in total. The data is analyzed by applying Descriptive Statistics, One-Way ANOVA, t-Test and Chi-Square Test. The important results are summarized as follows : I.In regard to the knowledge of fertility among the subjects, the average correct rate of each knowledge level from high to low was “Fertility Health Knowledge”, “Marriageable and Child-bearing Age Knowledge”, “Abortion Prevention Knowledge”, “Population Knowledge” and “Fertility Physiology Knowledge”; among the above levels in which the correct rate was less than sixty percent were “Population Knowledge” and “Fertility Physiology Knowledge”. II.The scores for fertility value showed positive in regard to the attitudes toward fertility among the subjects; whereas the scores for fertility cost showed negative in regard to the attitudes toward fertility among the subjects as well. This means the subjects not only concur to the fertility value but also fertility cost. III.The scores for fertility cost were higher than that of fertility value; this means that the degree of consensus to fertility cost was higher than one to fertility value. IV.Among the nine levels in the “Fertility Value” that the subjects were not quite concur were “Social Position”, “Moral Value” and “Raising Children for Old Age”. V.In regard to the intention for fertility among the subjects, there were ninety percent of the subjects express they will get married in the future, however, the remain ten percent of the subjects expressed they will not get married; there were approximate fourteen percent of the subjects think that they will not give birth after married, however, there were fifty percent of the subjects want to have “2” children after married. In the absence of the external environment consideration, there were over seventy percent of the subjects think that 2 children are the most ideal for fertility. There were over seventy percent of the subjects have no gender preference for boys or girls, and there were over ninety percent of the subjects do not insist to give birth to a boy or a girl. VI.There was a significant difference in regard to the knowledge of fertility among the subjects owing to their personal different background in gender, age, birth sequence, heterosexual intercourse experience and sexual experience. VII.Fertility value and fertility cost were the included parts in regard to the attitudes toward fertility among the subjects. Fertility value had a significant difference due to the diversity factors in gender, number of sisters or brothers, family social position and sexual experience; whereas fertility cost had a significant difference due to the diversity factors in heterosexual intercourse experience and sexual experience. VIII.There was a significant difference in regard to the intention for fertility among the subjects owing to their personal different background in gender, age, birth sequence, religious belief, heterosexual intercourse experience and sexual experience.en_US
dc.subjectKnowledge of fertilityen_US
dc.subjectAttitudes toward fertilityen_US
dc.subjectFertility valueen_US
dc.subjectFertility costen_US
dc.subjectIntention for Fertilityen_US
dc.titleStudy on the Knowledge of, Attitudes Toward and Intention for Fertility Among the Students in a University in New Taipei Cityen_US

