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Office of Research and Development
Office of Research and Development
長久以來學校教育往往過度依賴視廳器材,來引介教室外所發生之事,卻很少帶領學生,直接去經驗環境週遭的事物,因而許多藝術教育學者紛紛主張,藝術教育課程必需更積極推動社區參與,來反應學生對社會意義的關心和自我意識的表現;也因此本文研究目的在於透過「行動研究」來研擬:(1)「建構環境」的藝術教育課程;(2) 以社區環境資源為媒介來進行教學之可行性;(3)進一步省思「建構環境」藝術課程未來實施的取向;據此目的,研究者挑選學校附近具有歷史及文化意涵的四個場域,分別以藝術為主軸的統整方式進行教學,其研究過程為:「產生問題」、「研擬可行方案」、「修正後再規劃」、「採取實施方案」、「評鑑與回饋」、「公開結果」等等。此課程長達一學期,其中需不斷地檢討與反省,並與校內、外專業人士協同教學,才能逐步修正與完成教學。故本研究的心得為:(1)本研究是藉由文獻資料、教學場域評估、學校團隊支援,而逐一發展「建構環境」的藝術課程;(2)抽取社區環境中相關歷史、人文、生態等資源,可以設計多元性及廣泛性的藝術課程;(3)藉由教師教學資料和學生學習過程的綜合分析,可以省思「建構環境」藝術課程,未來實施的取向;據此並進一步提出的研究檢討為:教學者不斷進修有助於提升教學內容;學校團隊的支持有助於課程的推展;社區資源的融入有助於藝術教學的延展。
The purpose of this study, through action research, aims to design an integrated curriculum of “built environment” for art education and to understand how this curriculum is implemented. According to Laurie E. Hicks & Roger J. H. King, Ginny W. Graves, Anne Taylor, and Eileen Adams, “built environment” is a society-made phenomenon and a conscious organization of physical elements intended to provide protection, social integration and aesthetic pleasure. Meanwhile, “built environment art education” is interdisciplinary, including art and aesthetics, design, history, ecology, and philosophy, and art educators should teach designed environment as an expression of social meaning. Four areas around a primary school with historical and cultural significance are selected for this study. The researching process, lasting for a semester, includes generating problems, proposing possible projects, amending and implementing these projects, evaluating as well as revealing results, etc. Results of this study are as the followings: 1)An art educational curriculum of built environment can be developed gradually through analysis of documents, evaluations of teaching subjects, and supports from school teams. 2)It also can be designed by making use of community art resources and professionals as mediums to further discover its strength and weakness. 3)The propriety of implementing art educational curriculums of built environment in the future is positively concerned after analyzing overall teaching data and students’ learning process. Based on these results, the researcher concludes that the teachers’ proficiency, supports from school teams, and integrating community resources are all necessary and important in developing art curriculum of build environment.
The purpose of this study, through action research, aims to design an integrated curriculum of “built environment” for art education and to understand how this curriculum is implemented. According to Laurie E. Hicks & Roger J. H. King, Ginny W. Graves, Anne Taylor, and Eileen Adams, “built environment” is a society-made phenomenon and a conscious organization of physical elements intended to provide protection, social integration and aesthetic pleasure. Meanwhile, “built environment art education” is interdisciplinary, including art and aesthetics, design, history, ecology, and philosophy, and art educators should teach designed environment as an expression of social meaning. Four areas around a primary school with historical and cultural significance are selected for this study. The researching process, lasting for a semester, includes generating problems, proposing possible projects, amending and implementing these projects, evaluating as well as revealing results, etc. Results of this study are as the followings: 1)An art educational curriculum of built environment can be developed gradually through analysis of documents, evaluations of teaching subjects, and supports from school teams. 2)It also can be designed by making use of community art resources and professionals as mediums to further discover its strength and weakness. 3)The propriety of implementing art educational curriculums of built environment in the future is positively concerned after analyzing overall teaching data and students’ learning process. Based on these results, the researcher concludes that the teachers’ proficiency, supports from school teams, and integrating community resources are all necessary and important in developing art curriculum of build environment.