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校所名稱:國立臺灣師範大學政治學研究所 論文題目:立法委員立法言特權之研究—以言論免責權及不受逮捕權為例 畢業時間:2005年 研究生姓名:林錫良 指導教授:紀俊臣博士 論文摘要: 言論免責權與不受逮捕權,乃是保障代表國民意志之國會議員履行憲法所賦予任務之設計。兩者係在保障議會內討論及表決之自由、避免議會之組成,受到不法之干預以及維護議員本身之人身自由,最終之目的,在防止其他國家公權力或第三人利用不當手段妨礙或破壞議會之運作。 國會乃是匯集及展現國民意志之舞臺,為能使政治意見成為有效之規定準則,國會之議員須本著良心及自由,獨立行使其職權,並且依此方式不斷努力, 使代議制度能夠獲得人民之充分信任。因此,國會應能隨時,且全面地開 議,其討論及表決應不受任何外來的力量所影響。 雖然言論免責與不受逮捕制度是君主立憲時期議會法傳統的一部分,在今日民主憲政國家內並不存在君主與議會相互對抗或敵視之情形,但在絕大多數國家內,仍保留此兩項制度。 本研究之目的,在探討此二特權機制設計,對立法委員在行使其職權時之保障及限制;同時,以會議自律制度審視其議會行為。基北而討論二特權機制設計之良窊,並提出改進建議,以做為未來國會運作之參考。 【關鍵字】言論免責權、不受逮捕權、國會、憲法、議會自律
National Taiwan Normal University Graduate Institute of Political Science Title of Thesis: The Study on the Legislative Privileges for Legislator—Case Studies of the Privileges of the Speech and the Freedom from Arrest Student: Hsy-Liang Lin Advisor: Prof. Chun-Chen Chi Abstract: The privilege of speech or debate and the privilege of freedom from arrest are the design of ensuring legislative who represent the opinions of nationals to accomplish the task that the Constitution endows everyone with. The two privileges both protect the freedom of discussion and voting in Congress, restrain the components of Congress from being illegally interfered and maintain the personal freedom of legislative. Above all, they prevent other governmental power or the third person from using inappropriate means to hinder or violate the operation of the Congress. The Congress is a stage where the opinions of nationals are assembled and expressed. In order to make political opinions become effective regulations, legislative must employ their power based on their conscience and freedom. Through such constant efforts, the representative system can earn people’s complete trust. Therefore, the Congress should be able to comprehensively start its sessions at anytime and the discussion and voting will not be interfered with any external power. The privilege of speech or debate and the privilege of freedom from arrest are parts of the tradition of the Congress law during the time of the constitutional monarchy. Even though the opposite or hostile conditions between monarchy and the Congress do not exist in today’s democratic constitutional government, the two privileges are still retained in most countries. The purpose of this research is aimed to explore the protection and restrictions of the design of the two privileges on lawmakers; meanwhile, using Congress self-discipline system to examine the Congress behaviors is also investigated. Furthermore, this study focuses on the strengths and weaknesses of the design of the two rights and provides suggestions as a reference for future operation of the Congress. 【Keywords】privilege of speech or debate, privilege of freedom from arrest, congress, constitution, congress self-discipline



言論免責權, 不受逮捕權, 國會, 憲法, 議會自律, privilege of speech or debate, privilege of freedom from arrest, congress, constitution, congress self-discipline





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