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本研究旨在探討應用組織圖對於提升國小學生英文單字學習之成效,並討論學生對 於應用組織圖學習單字之看法,且進一步分析學生創作組織圖的過程對於單字學習之影 響。
本研究於桃園某公立國小實施為期六週的實驗,對象為兩班共計 42 位五年級學生, 分別擔任對照組和實驗組,並由同一位英文老師教授,前者以傳統教學法授課,後者則 應用不同種類之組織圖學習。本研究於最後一週讓學生應用所學製作屬於自己的英文菜 單藉此以分析學生對組織圖之應用與了解。研究過程中,受試對象皆須完成單字檢測, 其成績則以單因子共變異數分析來分析結果。此外,為了探討學生對於應用組織圖學習 單字之看法,以及分析學生創作組織圖之過程,本研究也在實驗前後分別發放開放式問 卷予實驗組之學生,並於活動過程中發放學習單和活動結束後進行追蹤訪問。研究方法 質性資料則採布魯姆分類學來分析學生之作品、活動學習單,以及訪問逐字稿。
本研究中也發現 (1) 學生應用傳統教學法和組織圖來學習都有進步,但相較前者, 組織圖並沒有顯著的進步,不過應用組織圖較能夠幫助學生維持單字長期記憶;(2) 學 生對於組織圖之看法在實驗前後有明顯的轉變,實驗前,學生普遍認為組織圖無法幫助 他們學習英文單字;實驗後,學生則認為組織圖能夠幫助他們更有效學習單字。另外, 學生也表示製作組織圖的活動能促使他們更有興趣地學習單字;(3) 單字學習表現較好 之學生比較能正確地應用組織圖來歸納英文單字,反之,學習表現較差之學生則多普遍 選擇錯誤的組織圖且不正確地歸納單字。最後,本研究所提出的建議如下:在英文單字 教學上,英文教師可考慮善用不同種類之組織圖與傳統教學結合來維持學生單字長期記 憶。此外,英語教師也可以提供更多機會來協助學生獨自應用組織圖來歸納所學的英文 單字。
The purposes of this study were to probe into the effectiveness of using graphic organizers (GOs) to facilitate primary school students’ vocabulary learning. It also aimed to explore students’ perceptions toward implementing GOs for vocabulary learning. This study further examined the influence of students’ processes of developing GOs on their vocabulary learning. The participants were 42 students from two intact classes studying in a primary school in North Taiwan. One class was selected to be the control group and the other class was selected to be the experimental group, and both classes were instructed by the same English teacher. The control group, on the one hand, learned their target vocabulary through a conventional learning (CL) approach in which the vocabulary words were taught through English textbooks and the teacher’s PowerPoint presentations. Theexperimental group, on the other hand, learned their target vocabulary words with the help of the GO instruction. During the six-week treatment, several GO patterns (e.g., word maps, word webs, hierarchical, timeline, pyramid, compare and contrast) were introduced to the experimental group (the GO group) to teach the students vocabulary words. In addition, the students also finished an individual project in which they were asked to design their own menus by applying the GO patterns they learned in class. In order to explore the effectiveness of the GO instruction on the students’ vocabulary learning, all the participants in both the CL group and the GO group were required to complete a vocabulary pretest, an immediate posttest, and a delayed posttest which assessed the students’ receptive and productive knowledge of the target vocabulary words. Afterward, ANCOVA and one-way repeated measures ANOVA were used to present the results of the study. As for the students’ perceptions toward the GO instruction, the students in the GO group were also asked to fill out two evaluation surveys, which were given before and after the treatment respectively. Furthermore, with an eye to probing into the students’ development of producing GOs, reflection sheets were handed to the students during the project and a semi-structured interview was adopted after the project. The study further adopted the Bloom’s Taxonomy to analyze the students’ posters, reflection sheets, and the written verbatim of the interview. The results of the study indicated that both the CL group and the GO group showed an improvement in their vocabulary learning, and there was no significant difference between both groups in their immediate posttest. As for the students’ ability to recall vocabulary words after a period of time, compared with the conventional learning group, the GO instruction was found to have a significant effect on students’ vocabulary retention. With respect to the students’ perceptions of using GOs to learn vocabulary words, the study revealed that many students showed a positive change in their attitude toward the GO instruction. Before the treatment, many students disagreed with the fact that using GOs could facilitate their vocabulary learning; however, after six weeks of practicing GOs, the students considered GOs a useful organizational tool to learn and review vocabulary words faster and easier. Most students also deemed it practical and enjoyable to learn vocabulary words through the individual project. Regarding the students’ development of GOs from their projects, the study showed that the students who performed better on vocabulary learning were better at applying correct GOs patterns and organizing the vocabulary words with those patterns while the students who did not perform well on vocabulary learning were unable to apply the GOs to categorize the vocabulary words correctly. Although the study has some limitations regarding the number of participants recruited and the instruments adopted to explore the students’ GOs development, the findings of the study suggest that English teachers should integrate different GO patterns for teaching individual words and reviewing all the words learned during typical English lessons. Additionally, teachers should offer students more opportunities to select and draw their own GO patterns so that GOs can become one of the learning strategies for students to learn and review vocabulary words. In conclusion, it is hoped that the findings of the current study have shed more light on the existing theories behind GOs and SLA research. This study also hopes to offer English teachers more directions to integrate GOs into vocabulary teaching and learning.
The purposes of this study were to probe into the effectiveness of using graphic organizers (GOs) to facilitate primary school students’ vocabulary learning. It also aimed to explore students’ perceptions toward implementing GOs for vocabulary learning. This study further examined the influence of students’ processes of developing GOs on their vocabulary learning. The participants were 42 students from two intact classes studying in a primary school in North Taiwan. One class was selected to be the control group and the other class was selected to be the experimental group, and both classes were instructed by the same English teacher. The control group, on the one hand, learned their target vocabulary through a conventional learning (CL) approach in which the vocabulary words were taught through English textbooks and the teacher’s PowerPoint presentations. Theexperimental group, on the other hand, learned their target vocabulary words with the help of the GO instruction. During the six-week treatment, several GO patterns (e.g., word maps, word webs, hierarchical, timeline, pyramid, compare and contrast) were introduced to the experimental group (the GO group) to teach the students vocabulary words. In addition, the students also finished an individual project in which they were asked to design their own menus by applying the GO patterns they learned in class. In order to explore the effectiveness of the GO instruction on the students’ vocabulary learning, all the participants in both the CL group and the GO group were required to complete a vocabulary pretest, an immediate posttest, and a delayed posttest which assessed the students’ receptive and productive knowledge of the target vocabulary words. Afterward, ANCOVA and one-way repeated measures ANOVA were used to present the results of the study. As for the students’ perceptions toward the GO instruction, the students in the GO group were also asked to fill out two evaluation surveys, which were given before and after the treatment respectively. Furthermore, with an eye to probing into the students’ development of producing GOs, reflection sheets were handed to the students during the project and a semi-structured interview was adopted after the project. The study further adopted the Bloom’s Taxonomy to analyze the students’ posters, reflection sheets, and the written verbatim of the interview. The results of the study indicated that both the CL group and the GO group showed an improvement in their vocabulary learning, and there was no significant difference between both groups in their immediate posttest. As for the students’ ability to recall vocabulary words after a period of time, compared with the conventional learning group, the GO instruction was found to have a significant effect on students’ vocabulary retention. With respect to the students’ perceptions of using GOs to learn vocabulary words, the study revealed that many students showed a positive change in their attitude toward the GO instruction. Before the treatment, many students disagreed with the fact that using GOs could facilitate their vocabulary learning; however, after six weeks of practicing GOs, the students considered GOs a useful organizational tool to learn and review vocabulary words faster and easier. Most students also deemed it practical and enjoyable to learn vocabulary words through the individual project. Regarding the students’ development of GOs from their projects, the study showed that the students who performed better on vocabulary learning were better at applying correct GOs patterns and organizing the vocabulary words with those patterns while the students who did not perform well on vocabulary learning were unable to apply the GOs to categorize the vocabulary words correctly. Although the study has some limitations regarding the number of participants recruited and the instruments adopted to explore the students’ GOs development, the findings of the study suggest that English teachers should integrate different GO patterns for teaching individual words and reviewing all the words learned during typical English lessons. Additionally, teachers should offer students more opportunities to select and draw their own GO patterns so that GOs can become one of the learning strategies for students to learn and review vocabulary words. In conclusion, it is hoped that the findings of the current study have shed more light on the existing theories behind GOs and SLA research. This study also hopes to offer English teachers more directions to integrate GOs into vocabulary teaching and learning.
組織圖, 單字學習, 單字長期記憶, 組織圖創作過程, Graphic organizers, vocabulary learning, vocabulary retention, processes of drawing graphic organizers