高中生對輔助性音樂欣賞教學策略之學習動機調查 -以臺北市高中為例

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  本研究旨在探究高中生對輔助性音樂欣賞教學策略之運用的學習動機,採問卷調查法,根據臺北市行政區進行分層隨機抽樣,各區抽取一所高中共2563名高中生為研究對象。研究工具採研究者自編之「輔助性音樂欣賞教學策略學習動機量表」,編製參考吳靜吉、程炳林(1992)改編自Pintrich、Smith與McKeachie(1989)「學習動機導向策略量表」部分內容,並以平均數、t檢定、單因子變異數等進行分析,以探討高中生對於教師使用輔助性音樂欣賞教學策略的學習動機表現情形,以及性別、音樂學習經驗、音樂聆聽習慣等背景變項之差異分析。研究者依據研究問題,分述本研究之結論如后。 1. 高中生對於輔助性音樂欣賞教學策略之學習動機整體表現尚屬正向,其中「視覺輔助」、「科技輔助」、「戲劇輔助」之策略顯著高於「動覺輔助」策略。 2. 高中生對於輔助性音樂欣賞教學策略在「內在目標導向」、「外在目標導向」、「工作價值」、「控制信念」、「自我效能」、「期望成功」等學習動機面向之表現尚屬正向。 3. 高中生對輔助性音樂欣賞教學策略在學習動機表現情形之差異,於性別達顯著差異。 4. 高中生對輔助性音樂欣賞教學策略在學習動機表現情形之差異,於課後時間學習樂器、參加音樂性社團、音樂聆聽習慣達顯著差異。   最後,研究者根據以上結論提出對於教育相關單位、音樂教師及未來研究之建議。
The purpose of the research aims at understanding the learning motivation of high school students toward assisted strategies using in music appreciation lessons. The research evaluates and analyzes the differences according to different gender, music learning experiences, and music listening habits, and discussing whether the learning motivation among different assisted strategies of music appreciation will form disparities.   Samples came from 12 senior high schools in different administration districts in Taipei city by stratified random sampling, getting 2563 functional samples by using “The Learning Motivation of Assisted Music Appreciation Strategies Scale” as a tool. The researcher analyzes the data by using the compare means, t-test, and one way analysis of variance. The conclusions of the research are as followed: 1. The learning motivation of high school students toward assisted strategies using in music appreciation lessons is more positive. Among the four assisted strategies of music appreciation lessons, the learning motivation of vision-assisted, technology-assisted, and drama-assisted strategies are significantly better than bodily-kinesthetic-assisted strategy. 2. The aspects of high school students’ learning motivation toward assisted strategies using in music appreciation lessons are more positive, such as intrinsic goal orientation, extrinsic goal orientation, task value beliefs, control beliefs for learning, perceptions of self-efficacy, and expectancy for success. 3. Gender significantly influences the learning motivation of high school students toward assisted strategies using in music appreciation lessons. 4. Music learning experiences, such as having after-school instrument lessons, joining the musical club in school, and listening music every day, significantly influences the learning motivation of high school students toward assisted strategies using in music appreciation lessons. Finally, the researcher proposes suggestions for education officials, music teachers, and future studies depending on the conclusions.



輔助性音樂欣賞教學策略, 音樂欣賞學習動機, 高中音樂教學, the assisted strategies using in music appreciation lessons, the learning motivation of music appreciation, senior high school music teaching





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