職棒觀賞體驗、觀賞動機對觀賞滿意度影響之研究-以米迪亞暴龍與La new熊對戰組合賽為例

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職棒觀賞體驗、觀賞動機對觀賞滿意度影響之研究 -以米迪亞暴龍及La new熊對戰組合賽為例 摘 要 本研究旨在探討中華職棒大聯盟職棒觀賞體驗與觀賞動機對觀賞滿意度影響之研究,以米迪亞暴龍及La new熊對戰組合比賽觀眾為研究對象,總計選取4場比賽作為抽樣場次,每場比賽抽取150名觀眾為受試者,總計發出600份問卷,回收有效樣本數為526份。所得資料以單因子變異數分析、皮爾遜積差相關、多元逐步迴歸等進行分析,研究結論如下: ㄧ、觀眾特性方面,職棒現場觀眾主要為男性、年齡層集中於21歲至30歲之間、職業多為學生、學歷以大專為主、月平均收入則多在10,000元以下,上一球季至現場觀賞職棒的頻率,以一季一至二次者最多。 二、職棒觀眾的觀賞體驗因素以「感官體驗」的正面程度最高,最低的則是「服務體驗」;觀賞動機要素的反應依序為「比賽吸引與個人認同」、「休閒娛樂」、「社會需求與人際互動」。 三、職現場觀眾之性別、年齡、職業、學歷及觀賞頻率等變項在觀賞體驗因素上有顯著差異;性別、觀賞頻率等變項在觀賞動機要素上有顯著差異;性別、年齡、職業、學歷及觀賞頻率等變項在觀賞滿意度要素上有顯著差異。 四、中華職棒米迪亞暴龍與La new熊對戰組合觀眾的觀賞體驗與觀賞動機間有一定程度之相關性,且觀賞動機越高對觀賞體驗有正面提升效果。 五、職棒觀賞體驗與觀賞動機對觀賞滿意度有正面之影響。 消費者的觀賞體驗正面程度越高、觀賞動機越強烈將有助於提升其對觀賞職棒的滿意度,建議職棒經營者未來應致力於提升職棒水準、強化感官體驗、改善服務品質、增進娛樂效果,並持續經營參與度高之球迷,若能提升消費者觀賞滿意度,方能有效提高球迷的觀賞頻率。
A Study of the Impact of Chinese Professional Baseball Games Spectators’ Experience and Motivation on Spectators’ Satisfaction ----Take Dmedia T-Rex versus LaNew Bears for Example Abstract The purpose of this study was to investigate spectators’ experience, motivation and satisfaction on Chinese Professional Baseball games. The study was based on the conclusion drawn from the 600 questionnaires sent out to every 150 audience of 4 of Dmedia T-Rex versus LaNew Bears games. A total of 526 copies of valid questionnaire were rendered. The findings were as follows: 1.On the demographics analysis, most of the audience were 21-30 aged male students, with monthly income less than 10,000 NT dollars, educated colleges. 2.The top element of spectators’ experience was “ the sense experience”; the lowest was “ the service experience”. The elements of spectators’ motivation from top to low were “ the contest attraction and personal agreement”, “ entertainment”, “ social need and communication”. 3.The significant differences were found in spectators’ experience elements at their gender, age, profession, education and attendance frequency; in spectators’ motivation elements at their gender and attendance frequency; in spectators’ satisfaction at their gender, age, profession, education and attendance frequency. 4.The spectator’s experience and motivation of the audience of Dmedia T-Rex versus LaNew Bears games were related. Higher motivation, higher satisfaction. 5.Positive relationships were found between spectators’ experience and spectators’ satisfaction; as well as spectators’ motivation and spectators’ satisfaction. The higher positive degrees of spectators’ experience and spectators’ motivation were helpful to promote the spectators’ satisfaction. Chinese Baseball League managers should devote themselves to enhance players performances, audience’s sense experiences, service quality, entertainment effects, and cultivate frequent attendants. To improve the spectators’ satisfaction was an effective way to increase the game attendance.



中華職棒, 觀賞體驗, 觀賞動機, 觀賞滿意度, Chinese Professional Baseball, spectator’s experience, spectator’s motivation, spectator’s satisfaction

