
dc.contributorLee, Ching-Fangen_US
dc.contributor.authorChin, Pei-Yuen_US
dc.description.abstract因新冠肺炎疫情之三級警戒防疫需求,全國於今年(2021)5月18日至同年9月1日規劃「停課不停學」要求各校全面線上上課,線上教學成為主要的教學方式,本研究以疫情期間所實施線上教學之高中美術教師為對象,探究高中美術課程在迫使實施線上教學,於運用之教學環境、教學資源與教學方法所帶來的影響與困境。研究採質性研究並收集半結構式訪談資料與教師之課程文件檔案分析,梳理其美術教師如何應對緊急美術線上教學,進而獲得解決線上教學中遭遇問題之辦法,期未來美術線上教學有更好的推展。依研究目的與問題獲致結論為:一、 疫情期間高中美術線上教學之環境與資源 (一) 雙螢幕架設,便於實作示範教學及檢視學生狀態;環形燈能補足示範教學所需的光線,以利提升教學品質 (二) 教師具備豐富數位軟體使用能力,有助於美術線上教學之經營 (三) 閱覽美術教學相關資訊與參與社群,有助專業知能的提升 二、 疫情期間高中美術教師因應線上教學之策略 (一) 營造特色之線上教學情境,易引發學生學習動機;播放音樂作為課程前導能撫慰人心 (二) 視覺化與生活化鑑賞課程教材設計,應用分組討論法之課程內容,學生學習效果佳 (三) 課程時間與教學模組之調整與靈活應用,有助學生視力保健,提升學習成效 三、 高中美術教師線上教學遭遇之困境與解決之道 (一) 美術實作課程因缺少專業設備,教師難以親自示範操作,以低技術門檻與新媒體教學內容為佳 (二) 教師對於資訊軟體較不熟悉,因此學校資訊系統的完善建置,有助於線上教 (三) 學品質提升 (四) 藝文展覽與講座不便群聚參訪,轉移至線上辦理後,師生參與講座機會增多 最後根據研究結果,提出相關研究與未來在相同情境之下,教師實施美術線上教學,在教學方面與學校行政方面之建議事項為:一、 教師美術線上教學方面 (一) 充實美術線上教學軟體使用之能力 (二) 避免將美術實體課程教學方式直接複製至美術線上教學 (三) 多使用網路討論平台與學生保持聯繫 二、 學校行政方面 (一) 加強資訊系統的建置 (二) 協助學生網路與設備問題 (三) 提供各項資訊公告之傳遞zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIn light of the epidemic prevention needs during the Level 3 Alert of COVID-19, schools nationwide were required to offer courses online in line with the plan of “Suspending Classes Without Stopping Learning” in the duration of May 18 to September 1 this year (2022). Online teaching became the primary mean of education. The study takes the art teachers at senior high schools offering online teaching during the pandemic to probe into the impacts and predicaments arising from teaching environments, teaching resources, and teaching methods used by the teachers in response to the requirement of conducting online teaching. Qualitative research is used in the study, along with analysis of the data collected from semi-structured interview and the teachers’ course materials. It combs through how the art teachers responded to the emergency online art teaching, so as to render solutions to the issues encountered in online teaching for a better advancement of online art teaching in the future. Based on the research purpose and questions, the conclusions are as follows:1. The environment and resources for the online art teaching of senior high schools during the pandemic (1) Two displays installed allowed hands-on work demonstration and student monitoring, and ring light could supply the lighting needed for demonstration and improve the quality of learning. (2) Good competence of teachers in digital software application helped in the class management of online art teaching. (3) Access to related art teaching information and relevant community participationfacilitated the improvement of professional competence.2. Response strategies to online teaching for art teachers at senior high schools (1) Online learning scenarios with designed features were prone to raise the learning motivation from students; playing music before starting a class could be soothing. (2) Teaching materials for art appreciation class that were visualized and close to life as well as curriculum contents with group discussion offered excellent student learning outcomes. (3) Adjustment to and flexible application of course time and teaching modules benefited the eye care and learning outcomes of students.3. Predicaments encountered by art teachers at senior high schools in online teaching and the solutions (1) It was difficult for the teachers to demonstrate due to a lack of professional equipment in hands-on art courses, so learning contents with low-technological threshold and new media were better. (2) The teachers were unfamiliar with IT software, so a sound installation of IT systems at school help improve the quality of online teaching. (3) Thanks to avoidance of clustering, art and cultural exhibitions and lectures were conducted online instead, increasing the opportunities for the students and teachers to attend lectures.Finally, based on the research results, recommendations on the relevant studies and on the teaching and school administration under the same circumstances in the future for teachers to implement online art education are offered: 1. Online art teaching by teachers (1) Strengthen the abilities to use online art education software. (2) Avoid direct copying the teaching methods of offline art teaching to online art teaching. (3) Use discussion platforms more to maintain communication with students. 2. School Administration (1) Enhance the IT system buildup. (2) Assist with students’ issues with network and equipment. (3) Relay various informational announcements.en_US
dc.subjectart teacher at senior high schoolen_US
dc.subjectonline teachingen_US
dc.titleA Study on High School Visaul Arts Teachers' Online Teaching Research during the COVID-19 Pandemic from May to September of 2021en_US


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