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本研究之目的在於分析電視廣告女性角色的呈現與類型,並瞭解國中男、女學生對廣告女性角色之解讀型態與差異,以及國中男、女學生解讀廣告女性角色觀點及其差異,最後探討國中男、女學生解讀型態因素中廣告傳遞的訊息與批判觀點之關聯性。研究樣本取自台北市某國中八年級學生八個班級。研究工具為電視廣告、訪談大綱以及問卷量表,以訪談及調查方式進行資料收集,並運用內容分析法與訪談法進行質的分析,以及運用SPSS PC+12.0版統計軟體,進行單因子變異數分析與皮爾森積差相關。本研究的主要研究結果如下:
There are four purposes of this study. First, analyze the presentations and types of female roles of advertisements on TV. Second, comprehense the reading types and differences in reading female roles of ad between boys and girls of junior high school. Third, inquire the viewpoints and differences in reading female roles of ad between boys and girls. Finally, inquire correlation between the messages that advertisements convey and critical viewpoints. The study objects are 8 classes of eight grades in X junior high school in Taipei city. The study tools are ad on TV, an interview outline and questionnaire. The study uses content analysis and interviews as quality analysis, and uses one way ANOVA and Pearson correlation as quantity analysis. The results of this study are as follows: 1. The presentations of female roles include new female images that can control ability, advocate creature, love aestheticism, be brutal and scrawny, control moving ability and be a superwoman. 2. Among the types of female roles, four ads are “Appearance Roles”. And number 01,03,04 of ad are “Intelligent Roles”.Number 01,02,03 of ad are “the Primary and the Secondary Roles”. 3. There are obvious differences between boys and girls in reading types. 4. Boys’ stereotypes are more serious than girls in reading female roles of ad. 5. There are obvious correlation in ad number 02,03 of reading types factors, and there are no obvious correlation in ad number 01,04. According to the conclusion and limitations of this study, the researcher makes some suggestions to this study and further studies.
There are four purposes of this study. First, analyze the presentations and types of female roles of advertisements on TV. Second, comprehense the reading types and differences in reading female roles of ad between boys and girls of junior high school. Third, inquire the viewpoints and differences in reading female roles of ad between boys and girls. Finally, inquire correlation between the messages that advertisements convey and critical viewpoints. The study objects are 8 classes of eight grades in X junior high school in Taipei city. The study tools are ad on TV, an interview outline and questionnaire. The study uses content analysis and interviews as quality analysis, and uses one way ANOVA and Pearson correlation as quantity analysis. The results of this study are as follows: 1. The presentations of female roles include new female images that can control ability, advocate creature, love aestheticism, be brutal and scrawny, control moving ability and be a superwoman. 2. Among the types of female roles, four ads are “Appearance Roles”. And number 01,03,04 of ad are “Intelligent Roles”.Number 01,02,03 of ad are “the Primary and the Secondary Roles”. 3. There are obvious differences between boys and girls in reading types. 4. Boys’ stereotypes are more serious than girls in reading female roles of ad. 5. There are obvious correlation in ad number 02,03 of reading types factors, and there are no obvious correlation in ad number 01,04. According to the conclusion and limitations of this study, the researcher makes some suggestions to this study and further studies.
解讀型態, 女性角色觀點, 女性影像