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The major purpose of this study is to explore the effects of the teaching pedagogy of critical thinking among sixth grade students of an elementary school. This experiment used the pretest-posttest nonequivalent-control group design. The subjects of the research are students from one of the elementary school in Changhua . There are eighty-one students in total. An experimental class randomly assigned to the treatment group and the control group. The teaching pedagogy of critical thinking was applied to the treatment group while the present teaching method to the control group. Both of the groups had the same schedule of two classes per week, forty minutes per class for six weeks, and all subjects took the pretest and the posttest for the Art Appreciation Ability Test. The experiment was analyzed with both Multivariate analysis of covariance (MANCOVA)and analysis of covariance(ANCOVA) in order to identify the influences of the teaching pedagogy of critical thinking in art appreciation learning performance and ability. The art appreciation ability includes content description、formal analysis、meaning interpretation and value evaluation ability. The findings in this study were as follows: I. formative assessment 1. The teaching pedagogy of critical thinking can improve students’ performance of content description ability effectively. 2. The teaching pedagogy of critical thinking can’t improve students’ performance of formal analysis ability effectively. 3. The teaching pedagogy of critical thinking can improve students’ performance of meaning interpretation ability effectively. 4. The teaching pedagogy of critical thinking can improve students’ performance of value evaluation ability effectively. II. summative assessment 1. The teaching pedagogy of critical thinking can improve students’ ability of content description ability effectively. 2. The teaching pedagogy of critical thinking can improve students’ ability of formal analysis ability effectively. 3. The teaching pedagogy of critical thinking can improve students’ ability of meaning interpretation ability effectively. 4. The teaching pedagogy of critical thinking can’t improve students’ ability of value evaluation ability effectively. III. The treatment group held positive evaluation about the teaching pedagogy of critical thinking applied to the art appreciation teaching. Finally, the researchers provided an experimental teaching result, limitation, and suggestions for the further research in the field of art appreciation teaching at the elementary school.
The major purpose of this study is to explore the effects of the teaching pedagogy of critical thinking among sixth grade students of an elementary school. This experiment used the pretest-posttest nonequivalent-control group design. The subjects of the research are students from one of the elementary school in Changhua . There are eighty-one students in total. An experimental class randomly assigned to the treatment group and the control group. The teaching pedagogy of critical thinking was applied to the treatment group while the present teaching method to the control group. Both of the groups had the same schedule of two classes per week, forty minutes per class for six weeks, and all subjects took the pretest and the posttest for the Art Appreciation Ability Test. The experiment was analyzed with both Multivariate analysis of covariance (MANCOVA)and analysis of covariance(ANCOVA) in order to identify the influences of the teaching pedagogy of critical thinking in art appreciation learning performance and ability. The art appreciation ability includes content description、formal analysis、meaning interpretation and value evaluation ability. The findings in this study were as follows: I. formative assessment 1. The teaching pedagogy of critical thinking can improve students’ performance of content description ability effectively. 2. The teaching pedagogy of critical thinking can’t improve students’ performance of formal analysis ability effectively. 3. The teaching pedagogy of critical thinking can improve students’ performance of meaning interpretation ability effectively. 4. The teaching pedagogy of critical thinking can improve students’ performance of value evaluation ability effectively. II. summative assessment 1. The teaching pedagogy of critical thinking can improve students’ ability of content description ability effectively. 2. The teaching pedagogy of critical thinking can improve students’ ability of formal analysis ability effectively. 3. The teaching pedagogy of critical thinking can improve students’ ability of meaning interpretation ability effectively. 4. The teaching pedagogy of critical thinking can’t improve students’ ability of value evaluation ability effectively. III. The treatment group held positive evaluation about the teaching pedagogy of critical thinking applied to the art appreciation teaching. Finally, the researchers provided an experimental teaching result, limitation, and suggestions for the further research in the field of art appreciation teaching at the elementary school.
批判思考教學法, 藝術鑑賞教學, 藝術鑑賞能力評量, the teaching pedagogy of critical thinking, the teaching of art appreciation, art appreciation ability assessment