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中文摘要 本研究旨在探討台北市大學生休閒無聊感與憂鬱傾向之關係,以台北市公私立大學大ㄧ到大四男女大學生為研究對象,以問卷調查的方式探討台北市大學生之性別、年級、就讀科系、零用錢多寡對休閒無聊感與憂鬱傾向的影響,所使用的研究工具包括「休閒無聊感量表」和「憂鬱傾向量表」。調查所得之資料分別採t考驗、單因子變異數分析、皮爾遜積差相關等統計方法進行各項考驗,主要研究結果如下: 一、 不同性別大學生,在休閒無聊感上有顯著的差異。 二、 不同年級的大學生,在休閒無聊感上有顯著的差異。 三、 就讀不同科系的大學生,在休閒無聊感上有顯著的差異。 四、 零用錢不同的大學生,在休閒無聊感上沒有顯著的差異。 五、 不同性別大學生,在憂鬱傾向上有顯著的差異。 六、 不同年級的大學生,在憂鬱傾向上有顯著的差異。 七、 就讀不同科系的大學生,在憂鬱傾向上有顯著的差異。 八、 零用錢不同的大學生,在憂鬱傾向上沒有顯著的差異。 九、 大學生休閒無聊感與憂鬱傾向有顯著正相關。
Study on the Relationship between Leisure Boredom and Depression Tendency of University Students in Taipei Abstract The purpose of this research is to analyze the Relationship between Leisure Boredom and Depression Tendency of University Students in Taipei. The sample consisted of 1146 college students from universities in Taipei city. The questionnaire is designed to study students’ different levels of leisure boredom and depression tendency, varied with some individual difference including gender, grade level, department category, and the quantity of allowance. Instruments used in this study included the Chinese Leisure Boredom Scale and Depression Tendency Scale. The data were analyzed by frequency distribution, percentile, average, standard deviation, t-test, analysis of variance, and Pearson product-moment correlation. Our results are summarized as follows: 1. There is significant difference between different graders on leisure boredom. 2. There is significant difference between different grade level on leisure boredom. 3. There is significant difference between different department category on leisure boredom. 4. There is no significant difference between different quantity of allowance on leisure boredom. 5. There is significant difference between different graders on depression tendency. 6. There is significant difference between different grade level on depression tendency. 7. There is significant difference between different department category on depression tendency. 8. There is no significant difference between different quantity of allowance on depression tendency. 9. The leisure boredom is significantly positively related with the depression tendency of university students. Key words: college students、leisure boredom、depression



大學生, 休閒無聊感, 憂鬱傾向, college students, leisure boredom, depression





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