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一幅絢麗有特色的電影海報,是每部電影宣傳的重要媒介之一,除了可幫電影宣傳外,也具備電影本身欲傳達的精神與意念。電影藝術的發展與電影海報的開始是一段漫長的歷史演進,由早期美國愛迪生時期、法國的盧米埃兄弟使電影工業開始發展,產生為電影宣傳的電影海報,直至工業革命末期,藝術家紛紛投入新興的電影海報設計行列,到目前電腦的大量使用,讓圖像藉由電腦的後製影像合成技法重製,使電影海報的視覺表現形式更為多元並富有變化。 本研究將先對電影海報設計的構成要素做探討,藉由文獻的整理進行分析,從海報設計之圖形、文字、色彩、版面構成等方向進行論述,本研究將蒐集2011年至2012年3月之間所發行之電影票房資料,彙整選取票房數最高的前20部做整理,扣除同性質設計後,選擇出10部電影,進行電影海報設計風格之文獻歸納與分析,透過資料的分析整理,了解電影海報設計的視覺構成與形式運用,藉此將表現形式轉換運用於本研究之創作,研究程序主要分為四大部分: (1)說明電影海報的發展起源,至目前電影海報設計表現形式與發展。 (2)探討國內外電影海報設計的技法表現,由手工繪製海報、大型戶外看板、電腦大型陳列輸出、印刷方式等文獻分析。 (3)分析電影海報的視覺構成,由海報的構成要素分析電影海報的表現手法。 (4)藉由本研究的結果進行個人的作品創作,將所得知的設計表現形式,應用於創作作品上。 期望本研究能透過蒐集、整理、分析,說明電影海報的起源,將探討電影海報設計的形式表現與分析結果,提供給喜愛電影海報的收集者,本研究者將所得研究結果進行電影海報的創作,期望能將電影海報設計方式與宣傳模式概略說明,使觀眾更易於瞭解電影海報的設計形式表現與宣傳模式。
A stylish and unique movie poster is one of the mediums of the important propaganda for a movie. Besides assisting on promotion of the movie, it also conveys its spirit and concept. The relation of the movie art development and movie posters is being through a long historical development. Due to the age of Edison in America and Lumiere Brothers in French, the movie industry started and also brought in the movie poster for advertisement. By the end of Industry revolution, artists started to engage in this new movie poster design business. All the way until now, they do it through the mass computerizing with re-composition of the digital image, which enrich the varieties on the visual effects for the posters. This essay is to study the elements of movie poster design through the analysis of historical documentary of its image, words, color, and layout. The material is from the movies which were released from the year of 2011 until March of 2012, filtering 10 from the top 20s and the same genres to analyze the style of the posters in order to understand the visual composition and exploitation in four major parts: (1)The origin of the movie poster, its development and the ways of design. (2)Different design technique from hand-drawing, billboard posters, computerized standee, posters, or print on domestic and overseas posters. (3)Analysis of visual composition of a poster to explain the ways how a poster expresses. (4)By the results of the study to apply on personal works to understand the utilization of the design on individual creative works. From the collection and analysis of the documents to understand the origin of movie posters and further discussion on its design, we can provide the movie poster collectors such results. Also with the result of the study on movie poster creation, I hope the explanation of the design and propaganda to let the audience to get a better understanding.



電影海報, 影像合成, 視覺設計, 構成要素, movie poster, composite images, visual design, elements





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