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中國自黃帝立國以來,人民若幸運遇到好皇帝,則生活則安定與富裕,若不幸遇到不好的皇帝,則面臨戰亂、重賦稅、常勞役、刑牢之罪。人民被動只能接受皇帝安排,謂君要臣死,臣不得不死。而國父為了避免人們想爭奪皇帝統治權,相互殘殺,贏得之人,容易有權力傲慢,輸之人則面臨殺頭之罪。而主張國民主權論,並具體展動國民革民行動,最後成立亞洲第一個民主共和國中華民國,開創中國主權在民立國歷史新頁。 國父創造中國歷史,以國民主權論開啟人民有權、政府有能,五權憲法政府體制,但身為國家領導者,除了具有理想性與實踐執行力外,必須識人、用人、知人善任,將對的人擺在對的事上,如國父說人盡其才、地盡其利、物盡其用、貨暢其流。但國父在識人上出現重大挫折,有陳烔明叛變而炮轟總統府,最後成立黃埔軍校以蔣中正為第一任校長,擁有實際軍事權力,最後北伐成功一統中國。 因此回顧歷史上政治領導,而本研究政治領導力,則以蔣經國總統用人為例,主要理由是,在政治領導力方面,識人、用人、知人最具績效,則以蔣經國主政時期,人才濟濟,政治清廉、政府有能,如解除戒嚴、開放成立其他政黨,開啟政黨政治良性法治化競爭首頁,定期改選國家領導者基礎,實現主權在民具體政策措施。在經濟上,全力推動十大建設,創造就業機會、尊定工業基礎、提升整體國家競爭力,成為亞洲四小龍之首(台灣、新加坡、香港、南韓),國民所得快速成長、經濟成長率高、國民就業率高、但物價可以有效被控制,因此物價平穏,所以實際上人民購買能力提升,而當時人民感覺有台灣錢淹腳目盛況。而蔣經國總統又勤政愛民、生活樸實、政府呈現上樑正下樑正清廉政治風氣,為中國自有歷史以來人民生活最富裕時期,藏富於民,本研究者尊稱為「蔣經國總統國民主權廉能之治、民生富裕經濟」,可比美唐太宗「貞觀之治、夜不閉戶、道不拾遺」。而其中關鍵因素蔣經國具備有良善政治領導力,亦是本研究探討重點。 首先研究探討良善政治領導力,有那些技術與方法,亦本文未附錄99種技術,在本文中蔣經國先生採用那些技術與方法,獲得歷史上政治人物領導能力最好與人民最讚賞與肯定蔣經國總統。在研究同時發現中國皇帝政治統治領導中亦有共同良好特性,如齊恒公重用管仲、劉邦善用張良、蕭何、韓信,劉備禮用諸葛亮、關公、張飛、趙子龍,唐太宗誠用魏徵,朱元璋策用劉伯溫,國父孫中山先生授權重用蔣中正。運用政治領導力其中一些技術與方法,加上領導者人格特質,如氣度恢宏、知人善任、廣聽則聰多看則明、以身作則、大公無私用人、誠信、負責、前瞻性眼光、執行力、果斷、魄力、建立正確方向與願景、資源整合協調與統合能力、溝通能力、同理心、危機管理能力、權變領導能力等。而我們懷念蔣經國總統,但他己先走了,但人民可以主動發掘像蔣經國總統具有良善政治領導者,研究發掘其關鍵選擇優良政治領導者方法,人民不在是碰運氣可否遇到好的政治領導者,在我國定期制度化選舉設計所產生國家領導者,如何讓主動選擇權回歸到人民身上,落實主權在民這是本研究核心課題。 最後結論建議與展望,目前國家與人民需要什麼目標、政策、建設,如產業提升與研究創造、國土保持、水資源水庫整體規劃與維護、中山高與北二高等擴建工程、全面性將全國阻塞道路找出並提出解決通道、高速鐡路全面性環島、全面性捷運化逐漸代替市區公車、全面性由國小附設幼稚園、開放大陸與世界各國來台求學、研究開發永續發展能源、規劃各國各地區科學園區與辦公大樓,如科學園區、辦公大樓、汔車工業。 全面規劃策略性產業:中西醫學產業、醫學美容產業、世界級觀光產業、保健與藥饍食品研發產業、金融、保險、證券產業、電腦與電子產品產業、農業產品食品化產業、大中小型企業輔導與轉型、家電產品產業研發、文化與電影文創事業產業開創、全國性無線網路系統與監視系統提升。必須以世界性眼光看中華民國台灣,才能提升國際性競爭力,創造無限性附加價值,創造人民就業與國民就得,提升國人生活品質、民生富裕。
The main reason for why this study, Political Leadership: Taking President Chiang Ching-kuo’s Employment for Example, is that with respect to political leadership, knowing, hiring and appreciating talented persons is the most effective during the Chiang Ching-kuo’s regime. There were plenty of talented persons, politics was uncorrupted, and the government was capable, such as lifting the martial law, allowing the people to found political parties, opening up a new page for benign competence of political parties under the rule of law, regularly reelecting national leaders, carrying out concrete policies and measures like sovereignty of the people. In regards of economy, Ten major construction projects were set into action with all the efforts, which created jobs, established the industrial foundation, improved national competence to become the top of the Four Asian Tigers (including Taiwan, Singapore, Hong Kong, and South Korea). National income grew rapidly, the economic growth was high, and national employment was high. However, prices of commodities could be effectively controlled. Therefore, prices of commodities were stable, so actually the people’s purchasing power went up, and the people met the grand occasion of “Taiwan is ankle-deep in money”. Moreover, President Chiang Ching-kuo was diligent and loved his people. He lived a simple life, and the government expressed an upright political atmosphere by example, which could be the most prosperous period for the people in the Chinese history. Wealth with the people, “President Chiang Ching-kuo’s upright regime with sovereignty of the people, and people's livelihood was prosperous” as the researcher describes respectfully, which may rival “Doors were left unbolted at night and roadside remained untouched during Golden Years of Zhenguan” under the regime of Emperor Taizong of Tang. And the key factor is that Chiang Ching-kuo had good political leadership, which is the discussion point of this study. First, this study discusses what techniques and methods good political leadership can have, that is, the 99 techniques in the appendix. In this essay, the techniques and methods Mr. Chiang Ching Kuo adopted are discussed, which obtained the best leadership and the people’s praise and recognition among political figures in the history. Meanwhile in the study, we discover that there are common good characteristics among the political regimes and leadership of Chinese emperors. For example, Qi Huan Gong put Guan Zhong in an important position. Liu Bang made good use of Zhang Liang, Xiao He and Han Xing. Liu Bei courteously hired Zhuge Liang, Guang Gong, Zhang Fei, and Zhao Zi-long. Emperor Taizong of Tang sincerely hired Wei Zeng. Zhu Yuan Zhang hired Liu Bo Wen with plans. The national father, Dr. Sun Yat-sen, authorized to put Chiang Kai-shek in an important position. The adoption of some techniques and methods of political leadership, along with personalities of leaders, such as broad tolerance, knowing talented persons’ subordinates well, leading by personal example, unselfish employment, integrity, responsibilities, forward-looking foresight, executive power, determination, boldness , building correct directions and visions, communicating ability, empathy, crisis management ability, and contingency leadership。 We yearn President Chiang Ching-kuo. He already passed away, however the people may initiatively discover key political leading methods of good political leaders like President Chiang Ching-kuo. The people will not try their luck to meet good political leaders. The core issue of this study is how to move the initiative selection right back to the people, and to implement sovereignty of the people under the design of the periodical and institutionalized election scheme to generate national leaders. Finally, the conclusion suggests and look ahead that what goals, measures, or construction the country and the people need currently, for example, industry upgrading, research and creation, land preservation, overall plans and maintenance for water resources and reservoirs, projects of the Sun Yat-sen and Second Northern Freeways, comprehensively finding nationwide roads where the traffic is jammed and proposing solutions, high-speed rail roads around the island, comprehensive MRT to gradually replace downtown buses, total affiliated kindergartens of elementary schools, access for students from the Mainland and the whole world to study in Taiwan, R& D for energies for sustainable development, plans of science parks and office buildings for various countries or various areas like science parks, office buildings, and the automobile industry. It is necessary to look the Republic of China on Taiwan from an international viewpoint to improve international competitiveness, create limitless added values, offer jobs for the people and create national income, thus to improve compatriots’ quality of life and make the people’s livelihood prosperous.



蔣經國總統, 政治領導力, 人格特質, 權變領導, 氣度恢宏, 知人善任, 以身作則, President Chiang Ching-kuo, political leadership, personalities, contingency leadership, broad tolerance, knowing talented persons’ subordinates well, leading by personal example

