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本論文以鹿港大冶吟社之鹿港竹枝詞與鹿港八景詩為主題,探討日治時期鹿港之在地書寫情形。由於大冶吟社為鹿港地方最重要之古典詩社,聚集了當地俊秀之才,其作品更顯得具有代表性。藉此研究,除了解日治時期的鹿港生活樣貌外,並進一步深入思考竹枝詞與八景詩在台灣在地書寫上所代表的意義。茲簡介本論文章大要如下: 第一章「緒論」旨在說明研究動機、方法、與章節架構,以及題目上之時代、區域、題材等限定。第二章「日治時期鹿港竹枝詞與鹿港八景詩的寫作背景與作者」,先分述竹枝詞與八景詩在台之流變,再論鹿港大冶吟社之創立、成員、活動與創作情形。第三章「鹿港竹枝詞中的鹿港書寫」,討論鹿港的區域特色與竹枝詞文體之間的關係,並進入文本,分析鹿港竹枝詞中所投射出的各式庶民生活圖像,最後分析其書寫特色。第四章「鹿港八景詩中的鹿港書寫」,大致可分為「八景」與「八景詩」兩大論述重點。「八景」的部分,將釐清清代彰化八景,以及日治與戰後的鹿港八景演變,了解其發展原因及經過,以了解日治時期「鹿港八景」之生成背後所隱含的意義;「八景詩」方面,則將進入文本,探討「鹿港八景詩」中所描繪的鹿港文化導覽地圖。最後結合兩方面研究,論證鹿港詩人在時代的變遷下,為沒落的鹿港重新定位與出發之意圖,及日治時期的「鹿港八景詩」如何成為日後鹿港文化觀光發展之契機。第五章「鹿港竹枝詞與八景詩之文化意涵探析」,討論鹿港竹枝詞與八景詩這兩類迥異的文體,如何協力同一主題之書寫,並將清代遊宦人士所原本賦予這兩種文體的政治性書寫意義加以翻轉,最後成為鹿港在地書寫的有力媒介。第六章「結論」,將鹿港大冶吟社之在地書寫情況與意義討論加以歸納,作一全盤綜觀結論。
This study is based on Zhu-Zhi Ci and Eight Scenes Poetry of DaYe Poetry Recital Club in Lu Gang, probing into the literary situation of Lu Gang during the Japanese colonial period. As DaYe Poetry Recital Club is the most important classic poem club in Lu Gang, many local scholars gathered together for their poetic creation, and so their works became more representational. It is not only important to understand the life style of Lu Gang during the Japanese colonial period, but also further think the representative meaning of Zhu-Zhi Ci and Eight Scenes Poetry for Taiwan local literature. Here’s the brief introduction of this study: Chapter one is to state the research motivation, method, framework, and the generation, region, subject of this study. Chapter two “The literary background and authors of Lu Gang Zhu-Zhi Ci and Eight Scenes Poetry during the Japanese colonial period” is to describe the changes of Zhu-Zhi Ci and Eight Scene poem in Taiwan, , followed with a narration on the foundation, members, activities and creation of the DaYe Poetry Recital Club of Lu Gang. Chapter three “Lu Gang local description in Lu Gang Zhu-Zhi Ci” is to discuss the relationship between regional character and the literary mode of Zhu-Zhi Ci, also including the analysis of people’s life style in Lu Gang and the characteristics of literature in the main text. There are two discussion points in chapter four “Lu Gang local description in Lu Gang Eight Scenes Poetry”, “Eight Scenes” and “Eight Scenes Poetry”. “Eight Scenes”, is to explore the development of Chang Hua Eight Scenes of Ching and Lu Kan Eight Scenes during the Japanese colonial period and after world war, and further understand the implicit significance of “Lu Gang Eight Scenes” during the Japanese colonial period. “Eight Scenes Poetry” is to delve the cultural guide of Lu Gang in “Lu Gang Eight Scenes Poetry”. Finally, the position of Lu Gang, which the scholars were trying to reposition under the change of the generation, and how did “Lu Gang Eight Scenes Poetry” of Japanese colonial period become the critical factor for tourist development of Lu Gang are the topics for discussion via these two researches. Chapter five “Analysis of significance of Lu Gang Zhu-Zhi Ci and Eight Scenes Poetry”, it’s to discuss how did the different modes, Lu Gang Zhu-Zhi Ci and Eight Scenes Poetry, represent a same theme and change the two political description modes into a medium of regional literature. Chapter six, “Result” is to generalize the literary situation and significance of Lu Gang DaYe Poetry Recital Club, then draw the conclusion.



鹿港, 竹枝詞, 八景詩, 大冶吟社, Lu Gang, Zhu-Zhi Ci, Eight Scenes Poetry, DaYe Poetry Recital Club

